(21) Ireland

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 Jack and I were seated on the plane ready to head to Ireland. Jack had his arm draped over my shoulders as he told me about the town he lived in. I smiled at him, admiring how excited he was talking about his home. The plane ride was pretty much that. Jack talked about Ireland and I listened happily. We eventually dozed off for a while. We were woken up by the stuartest when the plane was about to land. Getting off the plane we went through the required procedures before finally exiting the airport and heading to Jack's apartment.

Entering the apartment Jack smiled sheepishly, "Sorry about the mess." I shook my head as I looked around. "You should have seen Mark's place when I first moved in." Jack chuckled and put his back down off to the side by the stairs. "I'll take our bags upstairs in a bit. Here let me show you around." Jack smiled and took my hand. I put my bag by his and followed him around the apartment as he gave me the tour. He showed me to a spot that I could use for a little space of my own where my laptop would fit and I would have a great view. He left his recording room for last which was a bit bigger that I imagined it would be. After the tour we went to the kitchen and made some sandwiches to eat.


A few days after being at Jack's we received a few more of my things that Mark mailed to me. Jack has showed me all around Athlone and I have met Signe, who was so sweet. Jack and I went to on a few movie and dinner dates but he still hasn't officially asked me out. Today we were recording a collab together and as soon as we were done I was going out shopping with Signe. We finished pretty early and Jack agreed on editing the videos while I was out so we could post them tomorrow. So I got ready and Signe came by to get me.

Signe and I went shopping and I bought myself a simple but sweet dress that complemented my body shape really nicely and made me feel so confident. Signe and I shopped around and talked for a while before heading home. I waved at Signe as I entered Jack's apartment. As soon as I entered I smelt something so amazingly mouth watering that I would know anywhere, (Favorite meal). I wandered into the kitchen slowly, "Sean?" I froze as the sight of the kitchen welcomed me. The table was set nicely with the food already on the plates. There were candles lighting up the room and I could just faintly hear soft music playing against the light pitter patter of raindrops. Jack was standing by the table wearing a button up shirt and a smile. Jack stepped over and took my hand.

"Sean what's all this?" I asked looking up at him. "I wanted to do something special for you. To make tonight special.. (Y/N) I think it's pretty clear how I feel about you. I don't want to make this overly sappy because fook that would be so cliche. I just want to ask you if you want to make us serious? Will you be my girlfriend?" Jack said reaching up and caressing my cheek. I smile and nod. "Yes. Yes Sean." Jack's smile grew even wider and he leaned forward slowly and our lips touched.

The world seemed to stop. All I felt was my heart pounding in my chest and the soft touch that could only belong to Jack. The kiss wasn't too short but at the same time it didn't last too long either. It just felt natural. Jack and I pulled back after a moment and just looked into each other's eyes. After a few moments Jack cleared his throat and gestured towards the table. I giggled and took a seat at the table and Jack sat down as well. We ate our meal happily and made small conversation about how the rest of our day went. After eating we both cleaned up and curled up on the couch together. We binge watched a tv show that Jack was into and I just enjoyed spending time with him. As it got later I slowly fell asleep leaning against Jack.

I didn't wake up again until the middle of the night to my phone ringing. I groaned and sat up pulling it from my pocket. "'Llo?" I mumbled still half asleep. "You're dating Jack?!" Mark's voice almost seemed to shout in the quiet of the night. "How you know?" I asked yawning still waking up a bit. "He posted a picture of you asleep on instagram and captioned it "My sleeping girl". People are going crazy online!" Mark explained. "Mark can't this wait I sleepy." I mumbled laying back down on the couch. "Just be careful going online okay? It won't all be nice." Mark's voice softened into that comforting brother way. I smiled softly and hummed. "Mm kay. Bye Marky." I hung up on him and fell back to sleep completely unaware of how crazy fans were reacting.

A/N: Hey guys so I have had a small writer's block. This chapter is a bit short but this is one of the last chapters. I have two more chapters planned and then this book is over. BUT I am happy to announce that this book will in fact have a sequel! I am also going to be starting another story that will be another reader fic with either: Markiplier, J-Fred, or Wade (Lordminion777) if you would like to vote for one of those please comment below I love hearing from you guys! Till next time, Ohana!

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