(5) Joke Flashback

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A/N: So this might be a filler but I really wanted to add this in because it sounds really funny in my head and I want to see if anyone else thinks so. This will be a flashback chapter about the Joke Relationship thing. Also I don't know if other schools do spirit days the week of homecoming but mine did so I'm just going to use that as a reference. Also I am thinking about starting a Markiplier x Reader as well if you have any ideas about what it should be about please leave suggestions in the comments and if I use your idea you will be an added character in the story! And one last note I will try an update this story every two days. With out any more from me on to the story!

High school the bane of existence for many. Mark was in his senior year as was Bob and Wade. I was in my freshman year. For the last three weeks Mark has been forgetting about me so I would have to walk home. It was the week before homecoming. Mark, Bob, Wade and I went to the football game. There were two home games in a row and we decided to go to both. I was talking with one of my friends after the game when Mark and Bob started to leave. Wade already left to the bathroom a few minutes ago. By the time I noticed that Mark was gone it was too late for me to catch up. I wandered back to where the guys all parked. Mark and Bob had already left.

"Again? He left me again?? I am so fooking tired of this. He does this all the damn time." I muttered as I heard thunder in the distance. "Great now it's going to rain and I'm going to have to walk home in the rain because my fooking brother forgot about me like always." My eyes started to water as I kicked a stone around muttering to myself. I sighed and sat down by the curb hoping Mark would come back but I also remembered that Wade was still here maybe he could give me a ride. I sat there waiting for Wade as I picked at the whole in my pants leg. I looked up hearing Wade's voice. I stood up slowly and walked over to Wade. He was talking with another one of his friends, Tyler I think. The two seniors turned and looked at me.

"Hey (Y/N) what are you still doing here?" Wade asked.

"Mark left without me. Could you um..maybe give me a ride home?" I asked shuffling my feet. Wade and Tyler said goodbyes and Wade smiled at me. "Get on in I'll take you home." I nodded and got in Wade's car. Wade got in and started driving. I looked out the window feeling awkward. "So why did Mark just leave you?" I shrugged in response as I sighed.

"I wish I knew. He's been doing this all month and I'm tired of it.I feel like he just doesn't care about me." I tried not to tear up or anything but I was so frustrated that I felt a single tear fall which I quickly wiped it away hoping Wade didn't see it.

"I highly doubt that he doesn't care about you. You're his baby sister he's just busy with college stuff." Wade tried to make me feel better.

"I bet you if we dated he wouldn't even notice or care." I pointed out crossing my arms.

"Wanna try it and find out? Just for the week of homecoming?" Wade smirked.

"What would you get out of this?" I asked looking at Wade suspiciously.

"Payback? We've been pranking each other." Wade explained as we pulled up at my house. I looked out at the house then at Wade and held out my hand. "One week. No kissing unless it is absolutely required and you better take me to homecoming as your date to finish it off."

"Deal!" Wade shook my hand and I started getting out of the car. "See you Monday (Y/N/N)." Wade smiled and drove off. I walked into the house going to my room. Mark was in his room I could here him talking on skype. Monday the games begun. I pulled out my school planner to find out the spirit days for next week and went online and messaged Wade to plan our spirit day clothes. Sunday Wade picked me up before Mark even woke up and we went shopping to buy things that we would need throughout the week and I even picked him out a tie that would match my homecoming dress.

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