Author's Note

18.9K 374 21

I first and foremost would like to apologize to you doves that I haven't updated. I am currently going through things to sell, get ready to move, and I'm trying to get a job to help my family out since we are going through a rough time. I promise that there will be an update this week! I also am so thankful to all of you that are voting and commenting to show your support it means so much to me to get that kind of response from you all. 

Also this story is nearly at 1k views which is outstanding! As I have stated previously there is a Markiplier story in the makes as well as a small idea for a possible J-Fred or Ryan Magee story? I love you readers and I will see you all in the next chapter!

Little Boss Sisterplier (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now