(15) Sweet Like Cookies

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A/N: Hey doves! I missed you! I am sorry its been a while I've had a little bit of writers block and I've gotten a job (I don't really like it but hey its a job). Also thank you all so very much for 2.4k views it means so much to mean and to all of you that have been commenting I have read your comments if I have not replied either its because I don't want to give something away or I'm not sure what to say but with out further to do here is the next chapter!

P.s: It might be a bit short but I have have alot going on today. I shall update more soon

It was a late weeknight, Wednesday I think, and I was recording Don't Starve Together with Jack. Both of us were drinking coffee and munching on cookies. My cookies however were home made by myself. "WubWub I need rocks!" Jack called as he ran his character over to mine. I laughed and gave him some rocks. "Get your own stuff Jack I can't give you everything," I teased. Jack chuckled softly before replying, "Yeah I shouldn't be makin' a pretty lady like yourself get this shit." I giggled softly. He has been doing these sly little comments more and more lately. "Awe how sweet Jack!" I grinned placing a hand over my heart touched at his offer. "How sweet?" Jack asked a smile clearly visible in his voice. I smiled and thought for a second before answering, "Sweet like cookies." Jack chuckles and made a strange noise that almost sounded like a squeal. We recorded for a bit longer before finishing.

As soon as we were done recording I got a tweet notification from Jack. "@(Y/Twitter/N) just called me sweet like cookies." I laughed and liked the tweet. I got up and went downstairs to grab something to eat and watch a movie with Ryan and Matt who were actually talking about moving into their own apartment. I sat in the chair eating some pasta as I watched the random comedy movie that Matt picked out. As the movie ended I got up and went to get ready for bed. Tomorrow I was going with Mark when he gets his hair redyed. I got in bed and fell asleep after liking a few tweets on twitter.

The following morning I woke up and got ready since Mark was probably already awake. We were out of the house pretty early. Mark decided we should go out to eat for breakfast so he took me to a nice cozy restaurant where we talked about doing a challenge videos of some kind together. We ate and from there we went to the salon. It was a slow morning at the salon so I was sitting there talking with one of the other stylists while Mark got his hair done. She ended up taking me back and playing with my hair since she had nothing else to do at the moment. As we left the salon I pulled out my phone and went live on Facebook.

I had the camera faced at Mark as we walked back to the car and I waited for people to come see the video. I smiled and answered a few of the comments asking if that was Mark I was with. "So while I was with Mark at the salon I made a quick decision guys and honestly I love it." I flipped the camera so it was on my smiling face and showing off the newly added (fav color) to part of my hair. I smiles turning my head slowly to show it off more. "Do you like?" I asked and read some of the comments saying how much they loved it. "Well I have to go we are off to get foods and head home so I can record a reading your comments video! See you all soon, OHANA!" I ended the live video and got in the car, which Mark was already waiting in. Mark drove us to get food and then drove home.

Grabbing my food I sat down and was going to use my laptop to pick out comments for my video when Mark took my laptop. I was about to ask him what he was doing when he said,"I wanna pick the comments." I nodded not arguing with him and ate my food as my phone went off from a tweet from Jack. "Has anyone else seen the adorable @(Y/Twitter/N) got some kick ass color in her hair? She's one of us bosses now. Such a little boss." As I read the tweet I couldn't help but blush softly. Is he really flirting with me or is this just playful banter? Oh my heart hopes its real.. Little Boss... I like that.

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