(14) I Don't Think So

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** POV MARK **

I got home at about noon from Amy's. I expected everyone to be up and either working on something or goofing around. Nope I walk into a completely quiet house. The fact that the house was silent kind of worried me. I spotted movement outside by the pool and went out to see Matt and Ryan playing with Lego and Chica. (Y/N) wasn't out here and I didn't hear her inside so maybe she was recording something.

"Hey guys." I called out to them and they looked over and waved. Ryan walked over with Matt following. "Hey is your sister up yet?" Matt asked. I gave him a confused look, "She's not up yet?" Ryan shook his head no and responded, "She was up late talking to an Irishman." I just nodded my head slowly. She was up late talking to Jack? I went inside and put my phone on charge and went to my recording room. I got on my computer and sent a message to Jack to see if he was up yet. I didn't get a reply so either he was recording or still asleep and I was going to say he was still asleep. I got up and went downstairs thinking to myself.

Jack just got out of a relationship so it's not like he would be ready to get back in one soon so I shouldn't worry about my sister dating Jack but I did. There is no way the two would make a long distance relationship work. There is no way Jack would be dating my sister. I sat on the couch thinking more. My sister wasn't one to date unless she sees potential in someone. She's only dated two other people in her life and that doesn't count the week her and Wade were "together". I couldn't stand to see my sister hurt again like she was after her last ex. My sister is off limits that's it. She doesn't need a relationship doomed to fail because everyone knows long distance relationships don't work.

I sat there lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice I was mumbling. Nor did I notice that (Y/N) had woken up and come down. It wasn't until she sat down next to me with a cup of coffee in her hand that I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over at her. She gave me a tired smile clearly still tired. "Hey how was Amy's?" She asked her voice still raspy from sleep. "Fine." I answered and got up going to my recording room. I knew it was rude of me but I just couldn't talk to her at the moment when I was in this mood.

Sitting at my computer I got a message from Wade asking to collab something so I called him and we began setting up. Since I wanted to get my anger out before the game I started ranting to Wade about what happened. "I'm sure your sister can handle herself Mark and you know if something goes wrong you are the first to know. I get that you don't want them together. I wouldn't want one of my siblings with one of my friends either but at least you know Jack. You can trust him. I don't see Jack as the type of person that will hurt her. He would probably be even better than me." Wade said trying to calm me and get me to reconsider everything. I sigh and shake my head before we began to record. After a few hours of recording with Wade we stopped and I seen Jack replied saying he slept in. I got up going to get something to drink when I heard (Y.N) laughing from her room.

I walked over and peeked in her room since the door was wide open. She was laying on her bed skyping with Jack again. "Seriously I can't wait for you to come visit," I caught Jack say and I walked in crossing my arms. "I don't think so Jack. I'm not letting my little sister go across the world practically by herself. Its not happening." I said coming to stand behind my sister. She sighed and looked back at me. "Come on Mark. Jack said I could stay with him and he'll make sure I'm okay." She explained. I shook my head with a stern face. "I don't think so. Not happening. No way. I'd let you stay with Signe before him." My words came out a bit harsher than I meant them to but it was too late to take it back now. I could see the hurt in Jack's eyes as my sister muttered a 'good bye' and ended the call. " You're such an overprotective ass." She huffed and left her room nearly slamming the door to her recording room as she stormed off. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair before returning to my recording room to film something to get my anger out.  

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