(10) Pax Adventures! (Pt 1)

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A/N: Hey so This is a day late I apologize. I was going to post yesterday but something came up and I wasn't able to update.

This chapter will probably be a bit vague and have a lot of time skips-ish, enjoy. This is also based off of Pax West 2016 in Seattle that just happened.

Mark was at his signing so I was hanging out with Molly and Mandy as we walked around the floor for a while. I loved these girls. We also ran into Amy, who I clicked with instantly. The four of us walked around and talked on twitter. We were all just so excited and happy to be in Seattle. We ran into the guys and went to get something to eat all together. Jack and I talked nearly the whole meal which was nice because I was getting to know him as Sean not just Jacksepticeye. We parted ways from the guys again after eating and did more exploring.


It was so weird to be waiting backstage right now. I was nervously standing by Mark as one of the crew members plugged my mic pack in. The Markiplier and friends panel was just about to start. There were so many people in the crowd and I was getting so anxious. Mark must have sensed it because he took my hand and smiled at me. I smiled back at my brother and we went on stage. I was seated between Mark and Wade on a stool. We did this weird follow the leader sort of thing with Mark before he turned to the audience.

"Hi, how are you?" Mark ask as the rest of us waved causing the crowd to cheer. "Welcome to Markiplier and Friends." We chorused our agreements of being friends. "Well sister, friend, and friend, and friend number three over there." Mark mentioned pointing at us. Mark went on to mention how it was packed in the theater and just started talking to the audience a bit. We joked around for a few minutes (plus I might have fangirled to myself when Jack spoke Irish) and then I felt the mood shift a bit. Wade started talking and I knew instantly what was about to happen just by what he started to say and my eyes instantly started to water in excitement.

Wade and Molly have almost been together for four years and it all started in Markiplier's drunk minecraft videos. Wade called Molly on stage and I started to fidget with a large grin on my face. I seen her face and I let a few tears to fall as I watched Wade propose to Molly right there in front of me on stage and I couldn't have been more happy for them. I quickly wiped my eyes before Wade seen me with tears in my eyes because I didn't want him to cry. I was the only one who didn't know that this was going to happen.

We went on with the panel and kept joking and I was so nervous that I didn't talk that much at first. But as we went on it lightened up. As I spotted the mic runners I instantly thought Cory was cute. They all started reminiscing about their first panel. Mark was mentioning the landmarks of the panels and I just smiled and he turned to me. "My sister is here now." I leaned back a bit and shrugged. We went on to what they will be doing and I went on to mention what I graduated with.The questions started and I watched Cory because he was adorable. We went on with questions and we had another engagement. I loved how people made the special moment to propose at the panel. The panel went on and it was just amazing. It was time to wrap it up and it got touching. I joined Jack at the end with his outro which was quite fun. After we all had a signing and I was nervous and excited. When we went out to the signing I was placed between Mark and Jack. The signing went on and it was actually really fun to meet fans. I took a lot of pictures with fans individually and with one of the other guys. Some fans were even starting to ship me with Jack because we kept joking around while waiting. The signing ended and we wandered off to meet up with the girls. Mark pulled me with him over to Amy where he introduced us not knowing we met yesterday. He also told me that they were together and I just grinned at them.

Jack and I walked behind all the couples as we talked. He told me about Ireland and he told me a bit about how excited he was for his first panel on Monday which I was super excited about. By the time we got back to the hotel Jack had learned that I was a fan of his, which he teased me a little a bit for. It was all fun though and I was super excited for what other adventures that will come during Pax.

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