(2) Sisterplier

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 Mark set everything up and looked over at me. "Are you ready for this?" He asked. You were just going to wait till you got to LA to be in one of Mark's videos but now is soon enough. You nodded at him with a smile. He started the recording and looked at the camera. "Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and I'm here today with someone really special," he smiled doing his intro. I tried to roll my chair into the camera frame but I couldn't move. "My chair is stuck." I looked at Mark who laughed and grabbed the arm of my chair and pulled me over into the view of the camer. "Sisterplier!" Mark announced when I was in sight. I waved at the camera and said a quick hello. "Today my sister and I will be playing Tug the Table." Mark smiled and adjusted so I could reach the keyboard also.

As soon as the game started I started strategically hitting my control and laughed. "Why are they fighting over a table? Better yet, why do the characters look like they are humping the table?" I asked Mark hoping to distract him a bit. "Well you see they both want the table so they are fighting to see who gets it. No no no no!" Mark started to explain losing enough focus that I was able to start winning the round. I ended up winning the round and stuck my tongue out at my brother once I has won.

After the first game Mark looked at the camera. "This was a bad idea. Why did I ever think this was going to be fun?" Mark had lost the first game. I was laughing and looked at the camera. "He's just upset that he's losing to his little sister." Mark sighed and looked up at the ceiling before mumbling. "I could have been an engineer." I laughed and nudged him as the second game started. As we were playing Mark started talking to the camera. "So you might have noticed by now that I'm not in my normal room. I'm actually at home to see this one graduate. We are currently in her room filming. I did have a video prerecorded but technical problems have gotten in the way of it being posted." I turned to look at Mark as he talked as I kept playing. I ended up winning the second game. I couldn't stop myself from doing a little victory dance. I stopped and looked at Mark who was frowning. "I want a rematch!" Mark exclaimed. I laughed and turned to the side so I couldn't even see the computer screen. "Fine I'll even turn away and I'll still win." I bragged. We played another game which I won. Mark looked at me then at the camera. "She is using her dark magic to win. I call cheating!"

I laughed and pushed Mark back and moved into the front of the camera. "Thanks everyone so much for watching I'm Sisterplier aka (Y/N) and as always thanks for watching we will see you in the next video. Buh-bye!" I smiled and waved. "Hey that's my line!" Mark whinned from behind me and I just pushed him farther away as he waved at the camera before I turned it off and ended the recording.

Mark looked at me trying to be mad and I smiled innocently at him. Mark rolled his eyes and came back over to edit the video. I sat next to him as I watched him edit the video which he didn't really change too much of. We talked a bit and I munched on some chips. We left the video without a thumbnail and named it 'Sisterplier'. Mark uploaded it and prepared it to be released at the normal time before he headed off to bed. I followed suit and headed to bed myself.

Little Boss Sisterplier (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now