(9) Best Hug Ever

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Videos were ready. Packing was done. Mark just took Chica to the doggy hotel that she will be staying at. I was filming a vlog because this was my first ever Pax. As soon as Mark got back we grabbed our bags and headed out to the airport. Matt and Ryan had left earlier in the week since they were making a road trip out of it. As excited as I was part of me was nervous as hell because I would be meeting Jack in person. Mark knew I was a fan and he liked to tease me about it. We are suppose to be sharing a room with Jack and his girlfriend Signe. The whole car ride to the airport I was talking to Mark about the panels at Pax. I knew Jack had his own panel that I was going to see. We got on our flight and headed to Pax.


We arrived at the hotel and I pulled my vlog camera out of my bag and started to film when I got in the elevator. "So Mark," I pointed the camera over at Mark who stared at me like I was weird before turning the camera back to myself, "and I just got to the hotel. Mark got a text from Jack who should be here already. Which means I can finally meet him!" I grinned and walked out of the elevator following Mark who had the key to the room. "Plus I was talking with Wade and found out that Molly and him are rooming with Bob and Mandy who happen to be just down the hall!" Mark laughed shaking his head as he opened the hotel room door and I walked it putting my bag off to the side and spun around. "This room is huge!!" I stopped spotting a patch of green behind me. "Crikey! Look at that it's a wild green haired Jackaboy. I have never seen one out of its natural environment, the internet." I used an overly exaggerated Australian accent as I pointed the camera at Jack who grinned.

Mark reached over and too the camera from me as Jack wrapped his arms around me. Sure I have heard alot that Jack gives the best hugs but I never thought they would be this good. Jack's hugs were warm, soft, and I just felt so at ease and almost like his hugs could protect me from anything. He smelt like morning coffee and peppermint. I could feel the soft scratchy touch of his beard on the side of my face. Jack stepped back and smiled at me then over at Mark. "I can see the resemblance."
"Of course sexiness runs in the family." Mark commented.
"That's what he thinks. I think my awesomeness just rubbed off on him." I teased.

"I like her." Jack laughed.
Mark laughed and stopped the recording and put the camera on the bed we would be sharing. Mark and Jack hugged and I quietly mumbled "septiplier away". Mark game me a look and I just smiled at them stopped when I heard a familiar voice outside. I grinned and walked out see Wade calling down the hall to Bob to hold to door. Suddenly Mark appeared behind me and shouted, "Shut up Wade!" Wade looked over and waved. I waved back as he got on the elevator.

Mark and I went back into the hotel room. I sat on my bed and looked around a bit then over at Jack. "Where is Signe?" I asked not seeing any sign of her here. Jack frowned and sat down on his bed rubbing the back of his neck. "We decided to end it. Mutually. I just am not ready to tell everyone yet." Jack explained. Mark nodded and I reached over and touched Jack's knee to try and be a bit supportive. He looked over and I gave him a smile. Jack smiled back and got up clapping his hands. "Who wants to get some food?" I jumped up grinning and raised my hand. Mark laughed and we headed off to go get something to eat.

After dinner we went back to the hotel to prepare for tomorrow's long day of adventures. The day was starting off with everyone meeting up for breakfast before going to the first show which was a preview of an upcoming game that we are all patiently waiting for. Then we will all part ways to go to different panels or to have signings. My signing was after Jack's panel and before Markipler and friends. Mark was coming to film it since he was free during that time. I can't imagine what it will be like. My mind raced as I tried to get some sleep but I was just so excited that I couldn't seem to even keep my eyes closed. I glanced at my phone and checked the time. Putting my phone down I closed my eyes tightly and forced the thoughts away to try and get some sleep finally. The last thing that passed through my thoughts was my first hug from Jack. I drifted to sleep a small smile on my face.

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