(19) Shout Out To My Ex

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A/N: Soo I was slightly inspired by Little Mix's new single Shout Out To My Ex for this chapter which I have linked the video above.

 Jack was staying with Matt while he was in town since we didn't have room for him. Mark ended up flying home to meet with Tyler and discuss something. Matt and Ryan had begun moving their things out. It was sad to see them leave but the tension in the house wouldn't be as bad anymore. Jack was filming with Matthias so I was on my way to meet up with Joey for ice cream when I rode through the park on my bike. I skid to a stop when I heard a voice that I tried to hard to forget. It was saying my name. I slowly turned my head and my breath got stuck in my throat as my heart started racing.

His smile was still the way I always remembered. He walked over and my heart dropped as I seen the dog tags that hung around his neck. The same ones I gave him. Red flags and sirens seemed to go off in my head as he stood next to me. So close that I could smell his usual scent of peppermint and smoke from the cigarettes that he smoked, which I was always against. His eyes shined as he looked down at me. I felt overwhelmed by the wave emotions flooding my memory. The pain, sadness, joy, love, everything he made me feel hit me and I didn't know if I wanted to cry or hug him. So I took off. I started pedaling so fast that my legs hurt and I was panting by the time I stopped in front of the ice cream shop. I stared at the ground trying to catch my breath. A tall shadow fell over me and without looking I knew it was Joey.

"Hey you okay?" Joey asked noticing how hard I was breathing "M'fine," I breathed out closing my eyes. Joey didn't seem convinced as he wrapped his arm around me. Finally catching my breath I got off my bike. Joey offered me some of his water which I gladly took a sip of. We went inside and Joey paid for our ice cream. We went back outside and sat by our bikes eating our ice cream. "You sure you're okay? You haven't said a thing since you showed up." Joey asked softly looking at me. "I'm fine." I shook my head not wanting to talk to him about it.

That's when I heard my name being called. I internally cursed as I looked up to meet the same man that I rode away from. "Why did you leave like that, (Nickname you don't like)?" He asked looking at me. "Don't call me that. What are you doing here Chris?" I looked up at him sighing. Chris smiled, "I came for college. Finishing my last year here. I was actually really glad I seen you I was hoping we could...well you know talk." I looked up at him hurt and shocked at what he was saying. I looked over at J-Fred who took it as a sign of me needing help as he wrapped his arm around me. Chris glanced at Joey and looked him over than looked back at me. "I think you're too late. What we had is over Chris." I shook my head. Who was he to come back after cheating on me, lying about it, and think it's just going to be okay. "Oh come on we can meet for coffee my treat," Chris persisted. Joey pulled me closer and he seemed almost protective. "She said no why don't you beat it." Joey glared at Chris.

Chris scoffed looking at Joey. "What are you her gay best friend?" What Joey replied with took me a bit by surprise and made me a bit uncomfortable, "No I'm her boyfriend now get out of her she doesn't want you around." Chris mumbled something about seeing me later and walked off. As soon as he was gone I got up and turned to face Joey. "Thanks for standing up for me but next time don't claim to be my boyfriend. You could have said something else or I could have handled him." My voice shook a bit and I threw away the rest of my ice cream. "I got to go." I mumbled and took off on my bike. I rode to Matt's leaving my bike by the garage. Going to the door I knocked. Amanda let me in and smiled. "Jack's in the living room." I smiled softly and thanked her before heading in the right direction.

Jack stood up instantly as I entered the room and walked over with a worried look on his face. His arms wrapped around me tightly but still loose enough that I could breath easily. It was then when my eyes touched his shirt that I noticed I was crying. I wrapped my arms tightly around Jack as he rubbed small circles into my back gently. I sniffled as I felt his lips brush my head. "It's okay," he whispers softly into my ear. I slowly lifted my head to look at him. Jack wiped the tears off my face gently with his thumb. He led me over to the couch where he sat back down and pulled me down onto his lap holding me close.

"Sean can you come stay with me tonight? I don't want to be alone." I whispered to him after we sat in silence for a few minutes. Jack nods and kisses my head, "Sure I will but you have to explain to me what happened." I nodded slowly and Jack slowly moved me off his lap and got up. He left for a few minutes and came back with a bag and Matt was following. "Come on little one Matt's going to drive us," Jack smiles and I got up going over to him. Matt drove us back to my house and we went inside. Jack set his bag down and we sat down on the couch and I leaned my head on his shoulder as his arm wrapped around me.

"I seen him, my ex." I whispered. Jack looked down at me as he twirled a strand of my hair between his fingers. "You got overwhelmed didn't you? Scared?" He asked softly. I just nodded. I already had told him about Chris and what went on between us. "You have memories and that's what they are. Past history that you think of from time to time to see what you have become now." Jack said softly. I looked up at him with a small smile. "Were you watching Dr. Phil again?" I joked softly earning a small chuckle from him. I looked down and sighed. "When he was standing there in front of me I felt the same as I did that last month we were together." Jack got up and took my hand leading me to my room which he knew the location of because I tend to walk around when we skype.

Jack stood me in front of the mirror and stood behind me. "Look in that mirror and tell me what you see." Jack's voice was soft and calming. I took a breath and looked in my hair. "I see myself." I answered with a "duh" kind of tone. Jack motioned for me to keep going. I took another breath and looked back at myself. "I see my messy hair from being outside. I see my red eyes from crying. I..." I looked at Jack and smiled seeing where he was going with this. Jack's arms slowly slid around my waist as his head rested on my shoulder. "Go on say it." He smiles at me through the mirror. "I see a beautiful hot mess." I said my eyes watering for a whole new reason.

"He might have hurt you but look at what you have become. You learned to love yourself. You've moved here to LA and became a youtube all because he left you and made you change who you were. You've become a better person because you dated a dick like him. You've become someone amazing and so beautiful." Jack's voice was so comforting and I smiled happily. I slowly turned to face him. "Thank you Sean." I whispered before leaning up and lightly brushed my lips against his.

A/N: So I was starting to think and plan ahead a bit about the future chapters and well... This story might be getting close to its end. Now the real question is if I should start plans for a sequel or if I should start another story? Over all I have about 6 more chapters left in mind (might be more if they end up being two parts).

Sooooo please comment below if you this story should have a sequel (This will effect how this story ends) or if I should start a new story?

Thanks for 5.2k views everyone one, love you doves! Till next time Ohana!

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