Chapter 1

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Life can be so hard to breathe when you're trapped inside a box, that box is Allison's death, I can't get over it.

The sound of my labored breathing resound around the room, that's what happen every time I start thinking about my sister. I'm in Luke's bedroom with Mike. We were spending the afternoon together as the school is finish and we don't have anything else to do. Hearing my breathe become heavier they start calling me trying to get my attention but when they see that it's really hard for me to breath they call an ambulance. They know that it happens to me every time I think about Allison but it has never happened when I was with them. I see Luke grabbing his phone from the back pocket of his skinny jeans and Michael taking me in his arms to bring me downstairs. What I see next is black.

When I open my eyes white walls are surrounding me and a constant beep enter my head making me going crazy, the familiar smell of disinfectant invade my

« She's awake» I can hear a sweet female voice saying, I think it's Grace. When I turn my head to my right, where a chair is placed next to bed, my mom's face is flooded by tears even though she gets used to it: it's not my first time to the hospital, I've been here almost five times in the past two years. It was very frequent because I couldn't stop thinking about Allison, now it happens occasionally. My mom suffer for this because she doesn't like my swing and the fact that I started drinking alcohol and smoking and I only can agree to what she thinks because I hate it, but this is the only way to stop thinking.

After half an hour of investigations I'm finally free to "go home and relax" as the doctor said, but it's certain that I'm not doing it, I go to the park where the guys and I always meet instead. It is a small park where nobody goes from the creation of another park a lot more big, there are just two seesaws and a slide. No one can see us inside that little space because it is surrounded with an high hedge.

When I arrive they are already there with a bottle of bear in a hand and a cigarette in the other sitting on the few games. Getting closer I can see another guy with them with brown curly hair and a bandana to keep them away from his green eyes.

«Hey hospital girl you ok?» Michael asks.

«Hey red hair! Yeah I'm alright»

Luke come in the conversation «you were thinking on her right?»

I take the beer he is handing me and I nod before having a sip and sitting behind Michael on the slide. The new guy come up to me handing me his hand and introducing himself: «Ashton but call me ash»

A quarter of minutes later after two beer and a cigarette Luke is rolling some cigarettes with weed and passing one to each of us. I accept it without hesitation: weed have always relaxed me and make me stop thinking about the cruel world around me.

As I'm back home Grace see my red eyes and her face become sad: she tries to make me stop drinking and smoking but I just can't help it.

«Haley you smoked weed again, haven't you?» she sighs «How many time I told you to stop? It isn't good for you and I don't want to see another sister dying» she scold me while she takes me to my room trying to hid me from my mom.

«I need to stop thinking Grace»

«Then find another way to do it» she almost shouts.

«You can't understand sweetheart, just try not to be like me. I should give you a good example as your bigger sister. Forgive me but I don't think I could change»

«I'll help you» she whisper giving a kiss on my cheek.


Two weeks run off and it's time to college. I'm excited of starting it even though I'm a bit scared. My room is full of boxes that my mom and I are taking to the car, my closets are empty and my room seems it doesn't belong to me without all the pictures I'm use to have all over my light blue painted wall.

«Haley hurry up, you're gonna be late» mom says bringing downstairs another box. I wake up from my thoughts and, taking two boxes full of dresses, I go putting them in the car.

«Hey sis I'll miss you» Grace hugs me.

«I will come back home for the weekends» I say hugging her tight and kissing her on the top of her head.

After two hours of car we finally see the sign reading "King's College of London" and a big building in front of us. I get off the car and my mom is already crying because she will miss me and "the house will seems empty without me" as she said.

We take one box each and go into the campus looking for the room numbered 113. When I'm in front of it I take a deep breath and I open the door. A small room presents itself in front of me, the covered bed and pictures on one side of the room indicated that my roommate is already arrived. We leave the boxes next to the other bed and go back to the car to take the other boxes.

After half an hour it's 5:30pm and my mom goes home and I start unpacking my things. While I'm putting my clothes in the wardrobe the door in the room, that before was closed, opens and a girl with blue hair and dark eyes comes into the room only wearing a bra and slip.

«Hey, you should be Haley, I'm Selena nice to meet you» she hands out her hand and I watch it without taking it until she smiles to me and from her smile I understand that she is a nice girl and that I could be her friend. I reach her hand and I introduce myself.

«You're a freshman right?» she ask while she opens her closet taking out two dresses.


«Cool! You'll be fine. This one?» she says showing me a short dark blue dress «or this one?» she continues grabbing a white skirt whit a black top with the write "#PARTY".

«The first one. You going out?»

«There is a party at the frat house as every weekend, you coming?» I think about it but the ring of my phone informs me that I got a message so I read it:

Hey, arrived now. Room 216, come. –Mike x

«Uhm... yeah, just coming later, my friend is just arrived I'm coming with him»

«Alright, you know where the house is?»

«We'll ask. See ya» and I get out of my room going to Mike's .

He has decided to come to the KCL with me: he loves medicine and this is the best college for studying it. I'm studying languages and fiction-writing. Luke and Ashton went to a college where they can study music at three hours from home. I'm so happy that at least one of them is with me.

After Mike put on his black skinny jeans, black converse and a white t-shirt we go to the frat house.

Ten minutes later we are in the house surrounded by dancing, drunk and sweating people.

Thanks to her hair I can see Selena in the crowd.

«Come with me» I yell to Michael to overpower the high level of music.

He follows me and we arrive to the blue haired girl. She is holding a red glass filled with beer.

«Hey Sel. This is my friend Michael, Mike this is my roommate Selena» she smiles at him and Mike raises his head as to say hello.

«Nice hair» he says to her.

«Thanks. Go take a drink in the kitchen» she indicates it to us.

An hour later I'm on the couch with Mike, Sel and other guys drinking alcohol and smoking weed. I like these guys: they do what I do, for some reasons or another they all need to stop thinking about something.

Hey guys! First of all I don't like this part of the chapter that is the author writing stuff so I'm not doing it as the story continues, but I only want to know if you like it and if you want me to continue it. :-)

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