Chapter 8

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Laying on Calum's chest I'm reading him "A beautiful disaster", the book I was reading when we went to Muggy's together.
He said he likes my voice and he likes watching me reading because I'm focus so he convinced me to read to him even though I'm a bit disagree because I don't like reading out loud. I feel like I'm not really focus and that I don't really get things.
Selena is not in the room as she is out with her friends this evening so I was free to invite Calum in my room without feeling blame because I was with my boyfriend and Sel was doing the odd man out.

Calum and I are finally together and I can't be happier than how I am. He is a very beautiful and good guy.
Yesterday when he told me that things I felt so good and touched. No one has ever told me things so important.
I started crying because I was so happy and when I kissed him I felt good like I never had, my stomach was in turmoil, my head wasn't understanding nothing more, but my heart knew what was happening and it understood all perfectly.

"«The first time I saw you I thought there was something in you I really needed. Then I understood that it wasn't something in you. It was you that I really needed»"
This is what I read before Calum interrupts me: «this is basically me when I first saw you. I really need you Hal» and he gives a kiss in the corner of my mouth. I smile and I close the book before going over him with my knees touching each of hips. I lower myself over him and leave a little kiss on his soft lips. He hugs me and start kissing continuosly my cheek while I'm resting on his chest.
We stay like this for several minutes before we both fall asleep hugging in each other.

The alarm of Selena's phone make me tick sleepy. As I feel a movement in my bed I quickly open my eyes, scared that it is Sel that wants to wake me up with a bucket of cold water just like she did last week so, trying to take her away from me, I kick her. But when I hear an "Oh fuck my ass" said by a male voice I lean my head out of the bed and I can see Calum on the ground.
Shit, I forgot about him. I'm not used to sleep with boys, but this was the best night ever.
I bring my hands on my mouth trying to hold back a laugh that escapes me anyway. Calum stand up from the ground.

«Goodmorning you too my love» he says kidding me.

«Goodmorning Cal. I'm so sorry, I thought it was Selena that wanted to wake me up with a bucket of cold water like she already did.» I say sorry, «you forgive me?» I continue making up an angelic smile.

He laughs, probably because of the part "Selena woke me up with a bucket of cold water", and he gives a little kiss on my mouth.
«I forgive you babe, but try not to do it every time we'll sleep together»he still laughs and I fell the heat come over my face.
"Every time we'll sleep together" awww, this mean we'll sleep hugging in each other for other nights. I can't wait for it.
This night I felt so well and relaxed like I didn't do from Allison's death, I was always haunted by that beautiful smile that was extinguished after two motorcycle guys shot her.

«Ok girls what do I wear now? It wasn't a plan to sleep here and I don't have my clothes. It takes 10 minutes to go home and I'll be late» he send a glance to the clock that reads 7:20am.
I think about asking Michael a shirt for him but then my mind light up and I remember that I have a Luke shirt with me. It a simple black shirt but I liked it so I stole it from him.

«Wear this» I hand it to him.

«Why do you have a boy shirt in your closet?» he looks at me with narrowed eyes.

«Oh 'cause it's Luke's shirt, my other best friend»

He takes his shirt off and wow. I didn't think he had such a beautiful body. His dark skin stands out his pecs and six pack. He has muscular biceps and tattoos cover his left arm and he has two tattoos on his collarbones.

  «Do you like what you see?» Calum says with a smile noticing that I'm looking at him.

  «Uhmm» I pretend to think about it and then nodding constantly «yeah»

  Sel clear her throat «I don't want to bother you guys but it's 7:30 and Hal you still have to change and everything and if you don't do it now you're gonna be late» she reminds me.

«Yeah yeah I'm going» I go near to the closet and I chose my clothes, then I go changing in the toilet.


«Dunn Jungs müssen wir Deutsch sprechen beginnen, weil Sie zu gewöhnen müssen und müssen fließend in dieser Sprache zu erwerben, so wir von nun an nur Deutsch sprechen» says Mr. Schuster, my German teacher.

He wants us to start speaking his language. This teacher is running a lot and it is difficul for students that haven't studied this language before to understand it. Luckily I did so for me it's a bit easier.

Sophia, the girl that is in my english class, gives me a nudge to ask me what he said. When she doesn't understand she always does like this so I can help her so that Mr. Schuster can see that she is understanding something. I'm good at this language and I already have the top mark so I translate it to her.

«He said that we have to start speakinng in German because we have to get use to it and we need to be fluent»

She sighs «I'm going to fail to this subject»

«You are not going to. I can help you if you want» I offer myself.

«Would you really do this for me?» her eyes start to shine.

«Yeah of course» I smile.

«Thanks Haley» she hugs me happy.

«Hey you two girls over there. Do you want to say to the class what I said as I can see that you are paying attention?» Mr. Schuster says seeing that we are talking.

I make a nod to Sopia to spur her to talk. She does.

As the bell rings everybody stands up and go out of the classroom.

«Where are you going now?» I ask her as it is break time and I never see her around during the breaks.

«I'm going to the library»

«Do you want to come with me to my friends? You may join our group» I ask her.

«Yeah alright»

We head ourself to the canteen.

«Hey guys!» I say hello to my friends when we arrive at the table.

«Hi» Sophia says shy. Wow, I was never going to think she was shy: she talks to everyone and she is never ebarrassed when everyone scrutinize her.

My friends say hello back to her.

«She is Sophia» I introduce her, then I go to Calum, I leave a kiss on his cheek and I sit next to him.

«How was your lessons?» he asks me loking me in the eye as if he was looking for the answer inside of them.

«Good, how was yours?»

«Super boring» he says pulling me closer and leaving a kiss on my temple.

All of my friends make feel Sophia at ease so she is talking to them like she always knew them.

Just the time to finish my snack that the bell rings again.

Lesson time!

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