Chapter 33

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«You're crazy Haley» says Calum as I stop in front of the shop, «do you know how much it hurts?»

I look at him and I smile amused, «Calum it's me that have to do it, not you»
I look up at the sign on the shop: "Me's Tattoos & Piercings", I've always wanted one since I was fifteen but I never get it done.

I take Calum's hand and drag him into the shop.

When we woke up this morning it seemed everything to be fine between us, and I was glad and grateful: I really didn't want to ruin this last days. We decided to go out as, since we are here, apart from Valentine's Day, we never went shopping or just wandering around.

The shop is much bigger than what it seems from the outside. As you enter there is the reception and a waiting room, the pink and white colours make it more illuminated. After I tell the purpled hair girl behind the desk what I'm here for, she tells me to sit and wait for one of the patient inside to get his work done. She is a beautiful girl, she probably even be my age. The little diamond on the left side of her nose and a piercing on her septum, refine her sweet face. When she comes out of the desk, I can see the navel pierced as well, left uncovered by the top she's wearing. A blue diamond that links to an anchor. It's really nice. On her right hip there is a tattoo of roses that travels all of her side, another is at her left waist. It's an infinity. On her back there is a tattoo of a dandelion that loses its petals. A last one is on her thigh, it is a writing, just under the shorts she is wearing.

«Are you sure?» Cal asks for the umpteenth time.

I roll my eyes, «Yes Calum I am. It won't hurt much would it?»

«How do you that it won't hurt? You've never done it before»

I see the girl smiling amused by his 'worried'. I look at her and I smile shaking my head.

«It'll be fine dude, it won't hurt I promise» she smiles at Calum indicating her belly to let him notice that she got one as well.

«Well but it may will no?»

She shakes her head in a negative way, «she'll just feel a little pinch»

This seems to reassure him, I stand up and I go to look at the several tattoos' pictures hung on the walls. There is a beautiful one on the rib just under the bra, it's an anchor but it's so beautiful. Or another one is at the hip, it represents a flower with lines out of it.

«Haley?» Cal calls me with a pinch of worry in his voice.

«Yeah?» I say turning towards him.

«Are you sure you wanna get it done?»

I laugh, seriously, I can't see him so worry just for a navel piercing. Yes, I'm getting one. Today while we were walking I saw this shop and I got stuck in front of it and I decided to get one.

«Calum!! Yes. Listen, you have tattoos that hurts a lot more than piercings, and you're only getting worried for a simple navel piercing»

«Well the tattoos were for me, on my skin. This piercing is on your skin»

I smile and I go up to him, I sit and kiss him on the cheek, «it's gonna be fine»

A guy comes out of one of the door in the corridor that divides the reception and the working place. He has a bandage all over his arm, guess he got a tattoo!

«Guys you can go, just walk through this corridor and enter the second door on the left»

I smile to thanks her and we go in the room told. When we enter a boy in his thirties is sat on a chair, his body is covered by tattoos and he has a piercing on his eyebrow and one on his lip, just like Luke.

«Hey guys! Who's doing what?» His voice comes out sweet. Something I didn't expected seen his tattoos.

«I want to get my navel pierced»

He smiles, «fine, what about your boyfriend?»

«Oh no he's not going to get anything»

After I chose a nice simple belly-button piercing he tells me to lay down on the small bed. Calum comes next to me and takes my hand. The guy is sterilizing all the stuff he needs to make the piercing. Then he draws two dots and tells me to go in front of the mirror to see if I like it the way he done it. Then he tells me to lay again. He takes the pincer and pinches my skin with it. Quickly the needle is in and he puts the piercing I chose in. He closes it and it's done.

I didn't feel a lot of pain because he has been very quick and I'm glad for it.

«Here it is» the piercer says.

«Thank you» I smile.

Calum looks down at it, «are you ok?»


After I paid and say hello we get out of the shop. I'm so happy I've done. It didn't hurt as much as people say.

«Haley I'm hungry can we stop somewhere?» Calum says.

This boy is always hungry, he eats so much and he doesn't get fat...I'm jealous!

We find a bar and, while he goes inside to get something, I wait outside taking a table.

He comes back smiling while he is holding a caramel frappe extra large and three brioches. "Two for me and one for you" he said.

His hair are wet and messy and he's even more beautiful like this.

«Do you want it?» He hands me the frappe. I nod and take it from his hands. It's so cold and I'm really enjoying it with this hot!

«Good choice!!» I tell him and I drink it a bit more.

«Hey stop! I bought it for me not for you» he complains.

«You're rude Calum! I'm pretty sure your mother talked to you about sharing, didn't she?»

He pants and, after drinking it, he passes it to me. «Thanks»

For the afternoon we decide to go to the swimming pool so that I won't stay in contact with the sand. Even though I can't bathe anyway. There is a risk of infection and I don't really want to risk.

While I'm laying on the tanning bed, I take my phone and take a picture of my piercing and I send it to the two groups with the boys and my college friends.

They loved it!!

I decide to stand up and to go sitting on the edge of the pool immerging my legs.

Calum is swimming and his muscle contracts every time is arms raise. A spectacular view I'd say!! He gets to the edge and stay in the water next to my legs, placing an arm on them to hold himself.

«Haley you're a party pooper, why did you do the piercing today? Couldn't you wait tomorrow?»

«We were in the shop today so...»

«Yeah but now we can't go to the beach nor I can bathe with you» he says coming in between my legs and hugging me.

«You can go to the beach, I'm not impeding it» I say back caressing his hair.

«But I want to stay with you»

«I'm feeling blamed now!»

I can feel a little smile on my tummy, where his head is, «You are»

«Oh wow thanks»

Around six we go back to the hotel so we can have a shower and then we'll go to eat. We decide to go in a little restaurant ten minutes from here so I wear the new short of jeans, the white shirt 'forever young' and the Jeffrey Campbell. 

The evening proceed good and, after dinner, we go wandering around and, around 11pm we go back in the hotel.

Hey guys!! How are you?
I want to say sorry if it has been lot of time until the last update but I've been busy with the School and everything. Sorry also if there are mistakes but I didn't check It properly because I didn't want you to wait even more.... I will correct it in the next days.
I hope you like it and, as always, leave a star and comment to let me know what you think or if you have any advice😊❤

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