Chapter 31

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When we get out of the cab Calum pays the driver and takes my hand leading me on a restaurant near where we are.

I remain flabbergasted, it is so amazing. From the glass walls I can see the inside, the tables are arranged in a romantic way, the cloths are white and there are red petals spread all over it. In the middle there is a candle that lit the atmosphere in a gentle flame. The walls are grey and white which give a touch of class. Only one or two dim light lit everything around so that the candles can do their job and create a romantic atmosphere. It's the most elegant restaurant I've ever seen in my entire life.

Calum looks at me and smiles satisfied that I like what he chose. I look at him with my mouth open as I can't believe he bought me here. It will cost a fortune.

«Are you sure you want to dine here?» I ask him.

«Yes why? You don't like it?» His face becomes a bit sad and his smile decreases until it disappears.

«What? Are you joking? Of course I do like it, I love it, but did you consider how much it will cost?»

He rolls his eyes and put an arm around my waist to gently push me inside.

«Good evening Mr and Miss...» he pauses waiting for Calum to tell him our names.


And this makes me happy, Miss Hood, it sounds good. My face opens in a big smile. He never called me Miss Hood with someone, usually when we go to a restaurant they're not this formal. I start imagining a future with him. Our own house in London, or maybe...who knows, we may move somewhere else. Two kids running in the big house: our children. I can imagine him coming back from a concert, entering the house, coming to the kitchen where I'm making dinner, surrounding my waist with his arms and kissing me on the neck, me turning towards him and let our lips touch in a beautiful kiss. Then I imagine the children coming in the kitchen, having heard their dad coming back, and hugging his legs, Calum lowering at their level and taking them in his arms, kissing their smiling cheeks, and...

«Haley are you ok?» Calum bother my thought. Beautiful thought I would say.

«Uhm...What? Yeah, yeah I am» I say embarrassed. We are still in front of the waiter and they both are looking at me. This is so embarrassing!

After the waiter convoys us to our table and leaves, Calum talks:

«What happened before? You were frozen with a smile on your face. You didn't even answered to us» he is not angry, just curious.

I fell hot invading my face, «oh, no...nothing»

He looks at me half closing his eyes, then he rolls them.

«I wanna know what you were thinking about!!»

I become all red again, «I'm not telling you»

He pouts, «your pout won't work this time» I say to him laughing.


You know that feeling when you just want the world to stop? When you want the time to stay frozen and live the moment forever? This is what's happening to me right now. Our hands are intertwine while we're walking in the Miami streets. The city is always in movement, lots of people populate it even in the night. There are some couples that stroll just like me and Calum, some are with their family, some with their friends...

«Wait here» he says, then leaves my hand and enter in a flower shop.

I smile and decide to sit on a bench near me.

When he comes back he has a bundle of blue roses on his hand and in the middle of them there are red roses that make up a heart.

I'm amazed. «Calum» I whisper, «this is so amazing. Thank you» I say taking the flowers and hugging him tight.

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