Chapter 4

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You will never go cold or hungry.
I'll be there when you're insecure,
Let you know that you're always lovely.


I know that something is going to grow between Cal and Hal: I saw how they behaved today at Muggy's. They came together, sit next to each other and Cal was continuously looking at her as the most beautiful girl he has ever seen.

Haley seems disinterested about Calum but it's obvious that she likes him. I just don't understand why she refuses to admit it, in fact when I asked her if she likes him, she became red and started to stutter for then saying: «No. I-I mean he i-is a nice guy but, I d-don't like him».

And even though I don't believe her I stop this conversation saying an "alright then".

Do they really think I'm stupid? Do they really think I didn't notice how they were looking at each other today and how Calum looked at her when they first met? His eyes were stuck into hers and he has been lost into them, he couldn't find a way to get out of that shades of brown. I've never seen Calum looking to a girl like this. He has always been that kind of guy secure of himself when he is with girls and he certainly never get lost into a pair of brown eyes.

Thinking about my friends and a way to let them be alone for a bit so they can get to know better and maybe fell in love, I fall asleep in my warm and comfortable bed.

During the night shouts wake me up, I open my eyes and quickly go to Haley. She cannot stop shouting and moving agitated on the bed. I try to wake her up but I can't, the only thing I can think of is going to call Michael as he knows her better and may know what is happening to her.
Once he is in the room is sits on Haley's bed and tale her head to place it over his legs. He goes close to her face and gives her a kiss on the cheek before whispering "say hello to all your little nightmares, they're right here I know them well and I know you can keep them away from you."
She quickly open her eyes and start looking around anxiously. After Michael leave we go back to sleep.

The alarm of my phone wake me up, I take my hand off the blanket and stop the annoying ringtone.

«Haley wake up» I say, sleepy, to my roommate that is still under her blue blanket and seems didn't hear the alarm.

In answer she mumble .

«You're gonna be late Hal hurry up» I say while looking in my closet for something to wear.

After we are ready we go to school for our first lesson.


Selena seems has forgotten what we were talking about yesterday and it is better. When she asked me that question I didn't know what to say but then I came up with an "I don't like him" said all stuttering.

I still haven't seen Calum and Mike from yesterday and I'm sitting here in the canteen waiting for my group to come.

The first arriving is Michael.


«Hello Mike»

«So yesterday you went at Muggy's with the others?»

Oh damn, I hope no one talked him about Cal. the fact that we came together and how we were playing billiard.

«Yeah, you said you were going to have a nap so I didn't call you»


I decide to change subject before he may ask me question about the last night.

«Have you seen Chanel?»

«Yes, she is most of my lessons»

«So, have you talked to her about what you feel for her?» I ask curious.

«Why? What do I feel for her?» he asks me enjoyed.

"You know really well what you feel for her" I think maliciously.

«C'mon Mike, you know you can tell me everything. When you talked to me about her the first time you met her you seemed very passionate about her»

«Me?» he starts laughing.

I know he is just trying to hid what he feels for her.

«Yes you Mike» I say impatiently.

«Ok, ok. Yeah she is a beautiful girl and she is so sweet and her blue eyes are so beautiful and her hair...damn I'll spend all day touching them an-»

«You fell for her» I finish for him.

He sighs «yeah»


When I arrive at the canteen only Hal and Michael are sitting at our table. Mike makes me jealous: he is Haley's best friend, they are always together and they talk a lot.

Haley is a beautiful girl, her brown hair seem so soft to caress and her eyes, of the same color as the hair, seem to have the sea inside (and  when you can see the sea in a pair of brown eyes you're really lost), they look at you and all you can see is infinity, they look at you and you remain enchanted by their beauty, they look at you and you can see sadness, fear, insecurity and I want them to flow of happiness and security.

And her smie is so beautiful, it is the eighth wonder of the world, I swear.

«So, tell me a bit about you» I asked her yesterday while we were going to Muggy's.

«Uhmm...There is no that much to say but I live two hours from here with my mom and Grace, my sister»

«Is she your only sister?»

«No, I-I have another sister b-» she doesn't finish that tears start flowing her angelic face.

«Hey, what happened?» I ask her confused. Did I say something wrong?

She shake her head and brings her hands on her eyes wiping the tears.

I find a space to the side of the road and I berth the car. I undo my seat belt and I gently take her chin shifting her gaze towards me and looking into her eyes I see the sadness that pierce them so I hug her immediately whispering comforting words in her ears.

This was the moment I saw how fragile she is and the pain in her eyes.

Now, watching Haley and Michael talking, I see how she feels safe next to him ad I think I will never have chance with her.

Trav and Levi come behind knocking on my shoulder.

«You have a crush on her bro» Levi says.

«I told you guys» Travis adds.

«Oh shut up» I say to my friends going to the table.


This night there will be a frat party like every Friday. I would like to go there so much and see again Calum. Today at school he didn't talk a lot like he usually does.

But I promised Grace I would have come back home for the weekend so now I'm on Mike's car going home.

«Haley what do you think about Calum? Do you like him?» he suddenly asks.

«What? Why do I have to like him?» Why does everyone ask me this question?

«Because I saw you looking at him today and when you looked at you, you took your glance away»

«I don't like him»

He raise an eyebrow and says the same thing I told to him «C'mon Hal you know you can tell me everything»

«Okey, well...uhmm.....yeah, I think I like him»

He smiles «I knew it»

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