Kennedy Kardashian. Khloe Kardashians daughter
I do not own the Kardashians obviously. But the character Kennedy Kardashian is my creation along with the changes she has made in the Kardashian's story. I'm obviously not claiming that anything said i...
Khloe's POV At around 6 I walked in the door and see Kennedy sleeping on the couch which is weird. She has nothing to do today so I'm going to wake her up and send her upstairs to sleep.
"Hey Hun..." I say trying to wake her up.
"Mom?" She asked in a sleepy voice.
"Yeah it's me why are you on the couch?" I asked her sounding confused.
"I was waiting for you to get home." She stated.
"Oh.. Why?" I asked sounding confused.
"I wanted to talk to you about something." Kennedy said seriously.
"Whatever it is sweetie it can wait you need sleep and so do I." I trailed off while walking to the stairs.
"Mom wait! I need to tell you that... I'm... Dating Nick..." She blurted out stopping in my trails.
"You're what?" I asked starting to get angry.
Out of no where I hear Kylie's voice.
"What's all the yelling about?" Kylie asked sounding like she's still half asleep.
"Mom don't be mad." She said.
"Don't be mad? Kennedy you are 16 and he's about to turn 20 how did you think I would react?" I asked.
"So... I dated Justin and he's 21 and you were fine with it." She yelled out.
I had to stop and think about it. She was right. And I didn't know what to say.
"We will talk about this later Kennedy! I'm going to bed!" I said while walking up the stairs.
Kennedy's POV
"See Kylie I knew she would react like that." I said while sitting back in the couch putting my hands on my head.
"Of course she acted like that Kennedy she will come around." Kylie told me reassuringly.
"Well she did say we would talk about it in the morning." I said starting to sound optimistic about my situation.
"Well let's get some breakfast and we will have a girls day since my photoshoot got cancelled." Kylie told me.
"Alright let's do it!" I said.
"You can borrow some clothes.. And use the guest shower. Then we can leave." I told Kylie.
"Kk." Kylie said while walking away.
I get upstairs get in the shower and get dressed. I was sitting on my bed waiting for Kylie when my phone beeps. It's from Nick.
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