Chapter 58

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I had gotten back later than expected but I finished and recorded most of the album which I a surprise and a relief. I put the car in park and yawned as the numbers on the clock read 3:48 am. I quickly pulled my phone out of the glove box to see four missed calls from Jack.

"Shit" I mumbled as I grabbed my purse and locked the car. Making my way inside and up to the bedroom. The lights were off and I assumed Jack was sleeping. I walked into the closet and pulled of my heels and changed into sweats.

"Where've you been?" I heard Jack call out "I called you"

"I was at the studio. Sorry" I called back. I pulled my hair back and walked towards the bed to see Jack sitting up with the light on. It was like a scene from a shitty movie where the kid came back after curfew.

"Sorry doesn't cut it. I was worried you were dead somewhere" he snapped

"And I appreciate you worrying but you'd know if I was dead. It would be all over the internet" I rolled my eyes

"Cut the jokes Kennedy" he scoffed "you left me here all night with the kids and you don't even bother to call" he spat

"Are you kidding me? I was at the studio and I'm almost done the album if you care" I began brushing my teeth "and don't even get me started on 'leaving you alone with the kids all night' " I mocked "what a fucking joke. What? you do those tours or shows or those late night club appearances and I don't say anything" I spit and quickly rinsed my mouth. "I let you go because I know that it's your career! And what? I can't have a career and god forbid make any advancements in my career"

"I'm done talking to you tonight" I sat on my side and quickly applied lotion "you're gonna sleep on the couch tonight. I think that's best" I added

"No one is sleeping on the couch" he groaned and just sat there refusing to move

"fine I'll go" I stood up and snatched the blanket off of Jack and the bed, pillow in hand and made my way to the couch.

I don't know why he was picking a fight with me but it was late so I didn't care. I crashed as soon as my head hit the pillow.

It was a restless night, I was tossing and turning. These weren't the most comfortable couches to sleep on. I would've just slept in a guest bedroom but at least I'll hear the twins if they come downstairs. I slowly reached out for my phone showing the numbers 6:18am I hadn't even been asleep two hours yet. I went to stand up but noticed there was a body laying on the ground beside the couch. I looked down to see a six foot tall man sleeping on the ground with one of Olivia's tiny blankets.

"Jack" I shook him lightly getting a 'hmm' in response "what are you doing down here" I groaned

He didn't make eye contact, all he did was close his eyes once more showing that he was going back to sleep. "I know you're mad at me and rightfully so I was a dick last night and I know you didn't want to sleep with me but I wasn't about to let you sleep alone anymore" he mumbled clearly falling back asleep. I couldn't help but smile, that was super cute and it almost made me not want to be mad at him anymore.

"Come on ya softie" I smacked his butt "let's go upstairs and sleep in our own bed the few hours we still have before the kids get up" I walked towards the stairs blanket wrapped around me and pillow in hand. Jack followed closely behind me yawning "this doesn't mean I'm not still mad at you. That was an asshole thing of you to say" I fell into bed and fixed the blankets across the bed

"I know I know" he mumbled incoherently "I realized as soon as it came out of my mouth how shitty it was. I'm sorry"

"It's okay we'll talk in the morning" I added lowly before falling asleep

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