Chapter 55

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We were on the plane back to LA and it had been a somewhat silent flight. The kids were in the room watching a movie, River was in her car seat sleeping and Noah was on Jack's lap playing around with paper and crayons on the table.

Jack and I had been avoiding any conversation. Sure we were sitting across from each other at the table but he was on his phone and I was flipping through one of those trashy celebrity gossip magazines.

"You're getting too big bubs" Jack cooed as he tickled his belly causing Noah's loud giggles to fill the plane. "So you have studio time coming up I hear. That's great" Jack tried to make conversation

"Yep" I added dryly as I licked my thumb and index finger

"Kennedy" Jack called out

"Yes Jack?" I asked as I avoided eye contact and flipped the page one more time

"Are you still mad?" He questioned as he handed Noah his bottle

"No Jack. I'm not mad" I kissed my teeth

"Yes you are just tell me you're mad" He pleaded.

I let out a loud sigh. Although I had made peace with him back in Omaha, I had no intentions of letting this go. My husband admitted to still having feelings for another woman, I've moved on from sadness. I've wallowed in it long enough and now I'm just mad. I'm mad that despite how much I tried and worked to get over Justin he seemed to never had gotten over Madison. I'm mad at how easily he was able to hurt me.

"Is it a fight you want Jack?" I asked as flipped the pages to see a spread of Jack and I, it was an old picture of us fighting outside a restaurant they were selling it as a recent picture. "Ha wow would you look at that"I chuckled and showed the spread to Jack, finally making eye contact. He itched the back of his head out of frustration.

"Trouble in paradise?" I read the title aloud "Is there trouble in paradise Jack?" I asked as I skimmed the article

"Kenn stop being so weird and morbid. I thought we were good" He started "I apologized and I told you that I'd try to work with it"

"Jack I have every right to be mad" I stated as I closed the magazine, stood up, picked Noah up and set him in the play pen and walked back and took a seat across from Jack

"Why did you forgive me and make me think that we were good?" He asked as he leaned back in his seat

"Well if you thought I would let you off that easily after everything you said and did then that was your second mistake" I began "Right after I got back from my meeting with Johnson, Kris called me to alert me that filming for season 20 starts tomorrow and to make sure that we were all home and ready to film. I'm not interested in having this fight splattered all over the internet and in tabloids so yes I am still mad but I need you home for filming and I have no intentions on filming this fight or giving Madison the satisfaction of knowing that you've been with me for almost five years and you're still hung up on her" I explained

"The show? that's why you did this and made me think that we were fine?" he asked and I nodded "so what's going to happen with us? do you want a divorce? what?" He questioned and I furrowed my brows

"Are you crazy? do I want a divorce?" I mocked "no of course not and I have no intentions of asking for a separation, that would be so premature and dramatic.  You need to understand that I have no intentions on becoming another statistic or another failed celebrity marriage. I love you and I know you love me. I have built a life with you.. the kids deserve to have two parents so I would never give up so easily. It may take time but I will get over this if you just work with me and do what you told me you would do with the Madison thing" I finished as my phone buzzed

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