Kennedy Kardashian. Khloe Kardashians daughter
I do not own the Kardashians obviously. But the character Kennedy Kardashian is my creation along with the changes she has made in the Kardashian's story. I'm obviously not claiming that anything said i...
I get home after saying goodbye to Nick. And I immediately run upstairs to take a shower and get changed. While in the shower I can't stop thinking about this thing with Nick. It's awkward between us I love him and he loves me but no matter how hard I try it's hard to see us lasting all we're doing is holding each other back.
I get out of the shower and get changed and start to get ready for bed. As I'm laying in bed I come across this tweet that everyone has been tagging me in...
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(A/N don't mind the time at the top that's my phone. )
I roll my eyes as I lock my phone and try to get some sleep I have to meet with Nick then a party planner with my mom.
-THE NEXT DAY- So Nick is supposed to be here at 10 and it's currently 9:30 so I have some time to kill so I decide to call Kendall.
KK: hey Kendall! KJ: Hey girl what's up?? KK: Well.. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today? KJ: Umm yeah sure when? KK: Well I have to meet with Nick at 10 then I have to wait for my mom to get back from Tristan's game and then my mom and I have a meeting with José Lang so like 5ish? KJ: Wait. THE José Lang?? KK: Yeah I guess she's good friends with Tristan or something... KJ: wow.. Kris is going to be pissed. Haha KK: Haha why? KJ: She tried getting her for mine and Kylie's parties and she couldn't or wouldn't... I don't know. KK: Oh well... is 5 ok? KJ: Yup! Sounds cool! DOORBELL KK: Oh Nicks here early gotta go
as I hang up and head for the door I start to feel this weight in my stomach and I suddenly get really nervous. As I reach for the handle I begin to get really warm. As I finally open the door Nick greets me with a hug. I love his hugs.
"Hey Kenn I've missed you so much" he said as he pulled away from the hug.
"Aww so have I" I replied "Listen I wanted to talk to you about something"
"Alright go ahead" he said while looking worried.
"Well with you going on tour for a year and me being almost seventeen I think we should take a break and if we both feel the same once you return from your tour and I turn 18 then we can be a real couple... which is what I know we both want." I said while shedding a few tears.
"Kenn if this is how you really feel and what you want we can do it but I want you to know if it was up to me we'd be together forever because Kennedy I love you... I always will" he said while starting to tear up as he pulled me into a hug.
"I love you too Nick I really do" I said while hugging him back tightly.
"Well how's this going to work? Do we see other people do we not?.." Nick asked me.
"I'm not sure I've never done this sorta thing" I said while letting out a chuckle.
"As much as I would like you to wait for me I know I can't ask you to" he said while brushing a piece of hair out of my face.
"I'll wait for you" I replied. "Just don't forget about me" I told him.
"I won't. How can I?" Nick said while cupping my face and giving me one last kiss. Then he started to head for the door. As I watched him leave I turned my back and wiped the tear that was coming down my face.
"You know what Kennedy I can't ask you to wait. See other people you're 17... but just promise me that you'll keep me in mind once your 18th comes around" he said while walking out the door.