Kennedy Kardashian. Khloe Kardashians daughter
I do not own the Kardashians obviously. But the character Kennedy Kardashian is my creation along with the changes she has made in the Kardashian's story. I'm obviously not claiming that anything said i...
So I'm going out with a few friends tonight Kris has Olivia and Dream but I gave Aidan to Kylie. I don't think Kylie gets how hard or how serious her decision to keep the baby is... so Aidan.. who is the most difficult when he isn't around me or my mom was the one I chose to spend the day and night with Kylie. Kylie and I agreed that she should spend a night with one of them so she can decide whether or not to keep the baby. So Kylie came to pick him up this morning and he threw a fit which I mean he's normally better than that but it worked out perfectly since I made Kylie handle it.
"Oh my god what do I do" She asked while holding him with extended arms and all I did was sigh
"He just wants to be with me just leave and he will calm down" I said as I handed her the diaper bag
"What's this?" She asked while grabbing the bag
"It's the diaper bag" I said and she looked to me confused
"He's still in diapers?" She asked
"Ky he's only a year old of course he's still in diapers" I said
"Hey don't get mad at me" Kylie said defensively
"Well considering the amount of children that are in this family I'm surprised you didn't know that" I said sarcastically while handing her Aidan's shoes
"Okay Listen I have to go get ready" I started "be careful with my kid would ya" I added and she rolled her eyes
"I will Kenn stop worrying" she said
"I love you" I said as I kissed Aidan on the head which calmed him down a bit "k bye Ky love you" I waved as she walked out the door
She's not going to last there is no way. I mean I could've been nice and given her Olivia but not everyone is lucky enough to get an Olivia I mean maybe it's cause Aidan is a boy but he's kind of a trouble maker lately and he hasn't been napping as much I think he may be coming down with something so it was the perfect time for Kylie to watch him since he's probably going to be up all night.
Rob came to pick Olivia up since he was already dropping Dream off. After they left I quickly jumped in the shower. Once I got out I got dressed and Madison called so I answered as I began doing my makeup
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K: Hey Madison M: Hey I was wondering if you were free for lunch? K: Umm yeah sure I have plans tonight but I can come out for a bit M: Awesome! Same place as last time? K: sure
I mean as much as I didn't want to forgive her it was hard not to I miss my best friend and I'm able to put the whole Justin thing behind me I just don't know if I'm giving in too easily. So after I'm dressed and my makeup is done I head downstairs and out to my car. I showed up not too long after. As I parked my car I get a call from Kylie
"Yes Kylie what can I do for you?" I asked annoyed
"I think Aidan is hungry what do I do" She asked and I couldn't help but bang my head on the staring wheel