Chapter 55

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I'm walking in NYU college park with Larissa until I see someone is sitting down alone with his guitar. He can sing?

"Come there and meet him. He is cute." Larissa chuckles.

"You think I should have to?" I raise my eyebrows.

"You said that you wanna move on from your ex and the answer is over there. Come on, B. Beside you both can sing." Larissa says to me.

"He can sing?"

"He didnt tell you that he usually cover some songs and post it on youtube? Oh come on, Bianca. You both been went out for many times."

"He never tell me about that." I shake my head.

"Come on go get him now or you'll be regret if those slut over there get him first." Larissa smirks at me.

"Then I have to leave you?" I raise my eyebrows.

"That's fine. Because I'm gonna get into my dorm room and sleeping." Larissa grins.

I roll my eyes. "Fine! I'll go there. See you!" I wave her a goodbye and walk off.

"Good luck!" Larissa chuckle and walk off.

I sigh and walk closer where Austin is still sitting down on the grass with his guitar.

"Hey." I smile at him and sit down in front of him.

"Hey. I though you still in Ohio." He smiles back at me.

"The fact is I'm right here. What are you doing?"

"Talking to you. What do you think?" Austin chuckle.

I roll my eyes and chuckle. "I mean, I saw you were alone here and playing with your guitar."

"No class left and stay in the dorm is boring so I'm here. You were looking for me?"

"Ugh no, I was walking down with Larissa, then she went to her dorm to sleep then I saw you here so I came here." I giggle.

"You told me you ever joined glee club right? You wanna sing a song with me?" He raised his eyebrows.

"No." I shake my head.

"Alright I'm gonna go to my dorm now and crying out loud because a cute girl in front of me right now refuse to sing with me." Austin says and stands up.

I take his hand and make him sit down again. "Fine. I want to." I roll my eyes.

"So what song we are gonna sing?" Austin asks me.

"Up to you." I said to him.

He just smile at me until he start playing his guitar and singing.

I drew a broken heart
Right on your window pane
Waited for your reply
Here in the pouring rain
Just breathe against the glass

Leave me some kind of sign
I know the hurt won't pass, yeah
Just tell me it's not the end of the line
Just tell me it's not the end of the line

I never meant to break your heart
Now I won't let this plane go down
I never meant to make you cry
I'll do what it takes to make this fly, oh

Austin and Bianca:
You gotta hold on
Hold on to what you're feeling
That feeling is the best thing
The best thing, alright
I'm gonna place my bet on us
I know this love is heading in the same direction
That's up

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