Dark Side.[Sehun]

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Jisoo is at Sehun house because Sehun told her to help him finish his assignment.

After a few hours, Jisoo start to feel bored and decided to bother Sehun.

"Hey Sehun." Jisoo ask question to Him.

"What do you want?" Sehun answer while doing his assignment

"I want you to kiss me." Jisoo start to smirk at Sehun.

"What? No, I don't have time to kiss you." Sehun still doing his assignment

"Hurmm." Jisoo pouting.

"What ever." Sehun answer with irritated voice


Jisoo slap Sehun face.

"HEY YOU!!" Sehun suddenly become angry.

"Mi-mian..." Jisoo felt so shock.

Sehun stare evilly at Jisoo.Jisoo feel so scared.

"YOU WANT ME TO KISS YOU RIGHT.WELL, COME HERE." Sehun voice become so harsh and heavy.

"No, I-I think I'll pass." Jisoo try backup herself.

Sehun just come closer to Jisoo. Jisoo step back away from Sehun.

"Oh.Jisoo kiss me."


Sehun hug Jisoo and kiss her on lips.

"You're so delicious." Sehun smirk evilly.

Sehun continue to kiss Jisoo, ROUGHLY.

"Enough...Sehun." Jisoo push Sehun away.

"DO YOU WANT ME TO KISS YOU RIGHT? GIVE ME YOUR LIPS RIGHT NOW." Sehun give a deadly glare at Jisoo.

"Wait Sehun." Jisoo persuade not to kiss her.


Sehun just kissing Jisoo.Jisoo could feel Sehun saliva.Sehun release the kiss and try to open Jisoo shirt.

"Sehun. What are you doing?"

"I'm just playing with you."

"Yah. Go away from me."

Suddenly Sehun eyes turn red. He is angry right now.Jisoo try to run from him.

"Oka-" Jisoo has been pushed by Sehun.

"You want me to stop ?" Sehun ask.

"Yes yes. Please stop."

"Well, that's the wrong answer."
Then, Sehun smirk and lick his lip.

Jisoo tried to get up but Sehun already dominate her.

Sehun start kissing again.But this time, he also include love bite on neck and licking neck.

"Sehun..please don't."

Sehun just ignore Jisoo and kiss her again.When Sehun try to unbutton Jisoo shirt, He suddenly faint and fall on Jisoo chest.

"Sehun ?" Jisoo feel confuse and shock.

~a few minute later~

"Ughh. Where am I? Sehun start to wake up.

"You are at your home, Sehun."
Jisoo answer.

"What? I'm sorry to push you. Did my other self hurt you?"

"Your other self?"

"Did I already told you my secret?"

"No, you didn't tell me your secret."

Sehun stand up and help Jisoo to stand.

"Well, actually I have the other side of me. The naughty and bad one."

"Oh.I actually like your naughty side." Jisoo smile at Sehun.

"Okay. In that case." Sehun start to kiss Jisoo and pick her up in bridal style.After that, they enter Sehun bedroom and make love.

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