Through the screen. (Baekhyun)

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Todays online classes were pretty boring. Staring at the laptop screen probably going to make my eyes strain but I have to do it. FOR my diploma.


I woke up from deep slumber and reach my phone to turn off the alarm. I rub my sleepy eyes before going for a quick stretching. After stretching, I looked at my laptop and sighed deeply. "Another boring classes to attend." I got off from bed and tidy it before heading to bathroom to take a quick bath. The water seems to be a little cold, making my body shivered a bit.

After changing clothes, I turn on my laptop and plug in the charger because I am too lazy to charge the laptop yesterday. I sat on the cozy chair and open the Whatsapp app. "No chat? That's surprising." I thought to myself as I scroll the message from my groupchat. Since they are no notification about the online classes, I opened my favourite app, Instagram just to feed my insecurities.

Skips to 9.30 a.m~

1 new notification

Baekhyun msc🥴: Time for class guys.

Oh boy my extra-attractive crush has send a message in the group. I squeal as I thought about him being my boyfriend (Lol such a jerk)

Me: I'm too lazy AAAAAAA

Baekhyun msc🥴: Oh no. Want me to hype you up? 😉

I stared at the message a few seconds.

What? IS HE FLIRTING WITH ME OH MY GOD! I inhale and exhale the air nervously to calm myself a bit. This boy is a flirt.

Me: Sure 😂🤣

I squeal as I send the message. Apparently, my other classmate only seen our messages. That is strange because the group always full with their random ranting, gossip about the lecturers. "I wonder what happen..."

Then, my lecture share the link of Google Meeting in the course group. I opened the link and then wait for the lecturer to let me in (Insert Let Me In by Loona Haseul here) I always use phone whenever the lecturer want to do the meeting. I do not know why but using phone for meeting eases my online classes. Using a laptop is great too but it is such a hassle as I a potato cam for the Laptop.

A few minutes later, the lecturer let me into the meeting. I open mic and camera and wish a good morning to her. She smile and then wish at me back. I'm such a good student. (With a skill of procrastinating all the time) I look at the other participants and search for my crush, Baekhyun.

My smile widen as I him fixing his platinum hair. He looks handsome today, I mean he is handsome everyday but today is another level. Stop judging me you kiddos. Then the lecture began her explanation on reading grid lines and coding. It tooks a few cups of coffee to avoid being sleepy. She is nice and good at her works but I think I am below her level. Her enthuthiasm make me want to study but my procrastinating spirit is much stronger.

Sometimes when the lecturer got off from her laptop, I immediately pinned Baekhyun screen because.. Why not? Whenever I am simping at him, I turned off the mic and cam and squeal loudly before turning the mic and camera on again. "Stop fixing your hair dumbass you already look hot as hell." My eyes widened, my mouth immediately sealed. I said it outloud and forgot to turn off the mic. Welp, I am screwed now byebye.

He looks at me through the screen and then smirk, making my other classmate wooing.

"I smell a ship right here."

"Nice words (y/n) Keep going gurl."

"Sh-Shut it guys!" I stuttered, embarassing myself harder. Now their eyes are on me. I looked at the screen and then rolled eyes. "Going to off camera bye." I turn off the camera and then went to bathroom to wash my face.


I looked at my reflection angrily and then messes my hair. I'm screwed. Should I lie to the lecturer that I am sick so that I don't have to attend the online classes today? Yikes. Being forgetful kinda sucks you know.

"I AM BACK. WHERE IS (y/n)?"

Shit. I went back to my phone and lie to her, stating that my camera has problem. She said okay and then the lectures continue. My mind cannot stop thinking about the little accident earlier. AAAAA. Should I wear a paperbag to hide my face aaaaa. Baekhyun staring directly into the camera is not helping me to calm either. He smile and pretends that nothing had happened. After the lecture ends, I thank the lecturer and then leave the meeting.

At the moment I leave, 1 notification entered.

I gasped when I see the sender.

It's Baekhyun.

Baekhyun msc🥴: I see what you did there beauty😏💕

Me: Shut it Baekhyun. Nothing happen ok.

Baekhyun msc🥴: Oh really? Nothing happen? But what about me looking hot as hell earlier?

I blushed. Gosh can I punch him in the face? On his lips with my lips? Ok I'll stop.

Me: I- that's just a ✨MisUndErstaNdinG✨ thingy. Get over it ok😠

Baekhyun msc🥴: Don't worry baby. I love you too.❤️

What the actual fish? What the FISH? He love me? I- Oh my god chill kiddos. It's hot in here I'm sweating.

Me: Excuse me Byun Baekhyun. What the actual fish? 😳

Baekhyun msc🥴: You read it right baby. I love you with all my heart❤️

I covered my mouth and shocked for a moment.

I gulped.

Me: You love me? 😳

Baekhyun msc🥴: Yes (y/n). I love you💕 Will you be my date?

This is too sudden. I literally breathless right now. Did my secret crush confesses his love at me? I- I- Let me calm down first okay. I breath deeply for a few times before replying his question.

Me: Of course Baekhyun🥰 I would like to be your date.😍

My love❤️: YES! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ THANKS FOR ACCEPTING ME BABE❤️❤️❤️❤️

And now Byun Baekhyun are officially my date.

The amount of ridiculeness is too much.

I can't believe I wrote this just now.

Weird flex.

Anyway hope you enjoy reading! Thank you.❤️

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