Liar. [D.O]

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Yeji was swiping the floor when she heard the news from her friend, Kyungsoo. "I'm sorry for letting you know this." Yeji dropped her broom and fall on her knees. Her eyes filled with tears as her heart broken into thousand pieces. "Tell me Kyungsoo. Tell me why he decide to leave me?" Kyungsoo felt pained as he stared at the small woman. "He-He.."

Yeji got up and shook Kyungsoo shoulders. "He what?!" Yeji's cracked voice brought Kyungsoo a million pain. "He said that he did not love you anymore." Yeji loosen her hold and then fell on her knees again. Why I am so weak? Kim Jongin or Kai was Yeji's lover and will always be her sweetheart but it ended today.

"Th-Thank you Kyungsoo for telling me." Kyungsoo spared a smile at Yeji. He knew that he will be screwed if he met Kai. "Yeji-ssi." Yeji looked at Kyungsoo as Kyunysoo picked up her broom. "Your broom.." Yeji smiled a bit, making Kyungsoo felt relaxed.

When Yeji was in her home. She looked at the sad hallway and began to cry. What is her fault? Why Kai dumped her? She wiped all her tears and went to the bathroom to take a bath, thinking that a bath would made her feel better. While in the bathroom, she dipped in her soulless body into the water. "YIKES! SO COLD!" she jumped and immediately got out from the bathtub. She looked at the pipe and sighed. "I forgot to change the water to hot." She shook her head and went to her bedroom, naked.

She felt like she lost everything including her soul as she wore a simple night dress. After she combed her short hair, her phone rang. She slowly walked to her phone and looked at the phone with suprised. "Why did he called me? I thought that this is over?" she questioned herself as she picked up the call.


"Yeji-ya, did you prepared the dinner?"

Yeji laughed as she heard Kai talked like the breakup was not happened.

"What for?"

"Aish. Did you forgot our meeting?"

"Hold up. Why are you like this?"

"Why I am like this? What do you mean?"

Yeji shook her head in disbelief.

"You said at Kyungsoo that you dumped me."

Her cheeks felt hot as Kai laughed.

"Baby. Did you actually believe that I dump you?"

"Did you actually believe what Kyungsoo said at you about us?"

Yeji was about to say something when she heard a window being broken.



Yeji quickly locked herself in bedroom. She felt scared. What will happened to her? What is going on? Did someone barged in into her house?

"Op-Oppa, help me..."


"Ok oppa. Please don't be late."


That was Kai last word before he ended the call. Yeji sat on her bed and hugged herself. "Wh-What should I do?" And then her nightmare began to happen.


She heard someone knocked her bedroom door. She began to panic and then she looked for anything she could grabbed as a weapon. But nothing useful. She looked at her cute table lamp and sighed. "This could be it." She grabbed the lamp and hold it tight. Then the knocking sound continously can be heard. "WHO'S THAT?!" she screamed at the door. The knocking suddenly stopped.

Then Yeji finally remembered that she left all the keys in the living room. "Oh my god." She palmed her face. She never prepared for this scary moment. The chill suddenly went up in her spine as she heard the door being opened. She took her phone and hid in the closet and pray at god that the intruder did not find her.


Yeji felt shocked. It was Kyungsoo's voice. Why did he lied to her? "Sorry babe. I don't want to see you with Kai anymore. He is not suitable for you. I AM." Yeji cover her mouth, completely terrified. Kyungsoo had loved her? Since when?

Kyungsoo looked at the closet and stared at it before walking closer to the closet. Yeji closed her eyes, wishing that this was just a dream. Apparently it is not.

"I-I found you, Yeji."

Kyungsoo picked Yeji out from the closet. "Oppa, let me go." Yeji struggle as she was being dragged by Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo then pushed Yeji onto the bed. "Op-Oppa.. Stop..."

"Yeji." his voice was rough.

"I love you." Yeji looked at Kyungsoo, stunned.

Love? Why he love me when I am with someone else. His bestfriend.

"Oppa.. This is wrong. I'm with Kai." he grabbed his hair and yelled. Yeji never saw Kyungsoo being like this. This was her first time. "Kai, Kai, KAI! What's so special about him that made you fall for him so much?" Yeji was speechless. She was trying an answer but the answer never seemed to come. "He-He.." Kyungsoo sighed heavily and went on top of Yeji, pinning her into the bed.

"Op-Oppa, don't do this to me." Yeji cried. She finally lost it. She lost the tears that she had been held from the beginning. Kyungsoo felt pity and then wiped Yeji tears with his thumb. "Stop crying Yeji. I don't like you to cry." Kyungsoo then stayed away from Yeji. Yeji was still in bed, crying endlessly.

"Aaaaa.." Kyungsoo looked at Yeji and began to hold his head, "No no no no." he started to speak weird word. Yeji, who are crying stopped cried when she saw him being weird. (Lol)

"Oppa, what's wrong with you?" she held Kyungsoo arm and brought him to the living room. Yeji took a glass of water and gave it to Kyungsoo. "Th-Thanks.." Kyungsoo smiled a bit and drank the water. "Oppa, you better run away." Kyungsoo looked at Yeji in confusion. "I called Kai earlier and he said that he will be here in a few minutes with cops." Kyungsoo eyes enlarged. "I'm sorry Yeji. I should accept the fact that you are in love with Kai. I wished that you and Kai will happy together forever. Goodbye." Kyungsoo stood up and hugged Yeji before jumping from the window that he had broke before.

Yeji began to smile as Kyungsoo slowly fading away from her view. A few minutes later, Kai arrived at Yeji's house with cops.

"Are you hurt?" Kai asked while checking Yeji's arm. Yeji shook her head and smiled. "It's okay oppa. The bad guy had left earlier."

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