Obsess. [Chanyeol]

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I woke up early today. I jumped in shower to bath. I put on my school uniform. And then I notice something about my skirt.

"Oh, my skirt is getting short. If I crouch, maybe my panty will exposed. Damn.." I search my wardrobe to find another skirt but there are too small.

"Perhaps I should exercise?" I say sassily.

I ignored the skirt and went downstairs to have a breakfast. After breakfast, I walk to my school. As I walk at hallway, I notice some of student (specially boys) stare at me. Actually my skirt. I ignore them and went to my locker to pick up my books.

When I open my locker, I saw a note on top of a book. I pick up the note to read. My knee suddenly shaking as the note say,


I always find out that you so beautiful and gorgeous.

I notice that you're wearing a short, very short skirt.

How dare you make me turned on.

I will get you.



"What the hell?" I feel terrified and curious at the same time. Who is this C? I crumbled the note and just go to class.


I can't concentrate about what the teacher say. I can't stop thinking about that damn note. I ask a permission to go to toilet at the teacher and go out from the class.

While on the way to toilet, I hear a footstep coming to me. I just ignored the footstep and continue to walk. But the footsteps getting closer and faster to me.

I turn around but no one there. I start to feel terrified again. So, I run in the hallway as sound of the footsteps echoed across the hallway.

I enter the toilet and go inside the last stall. I hug my knees and try to hold my tears. And then, the sound of a footsteps entering the toilet. He slowly open the door one by one.

Because I feel an extreme fear, I faint.








Ughh...where am I?" I slowly open my eyes to see me laying down at an unknown place.

"Hey babe...."

I search the source of the voice. But nowhere to see. "SHOW YOURSELF!!" I nearly screamed but I try to control my cool self.


A man wearing a school uniform slowly reveal himself. My eyes widen as I see him.

"C-Chanyeol oppa??"

A smirk formed on his lips. He kneel down to me and slowly caressing my cheek.

"W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I said while shove his large hand away from my cheek. With a blink of eye, he grabbed my twist and gave a stern look at me.

"OUCH!! IT HURTS!!!" I gritted my teeth to hold the pain. I tried to open his hand so that I can escape but his hand's strong.

"__________." He quickly hold my other hand and slowly pinned me down to floor. Our faces just an inches away. My cheeks start to heat as he licks his lips evilly.

"SARANGHAE." My eyes widen as his lips met mine. The kiss end after 2 minutes because he and I are losing breathe.

"Look, I only thought you as a brother and that's it. No more than that." I can see in his eyes that he is MAD.

"AGHH!! WHY _________ WHY!!" He yelled at me angrily as his hands start to creeping down to my neck. My neck start to feel the pressured that he put on his hands.

"O-o-oppa..." I try to talk but he adding more pressured to his hands, making me started to move my legs.

"S-S-Stop!!" I barely speak as he continued to choke me. My tears starts to fall down to my cheeks. I hold his arms as I begged him to release me.

I gagged, almost dying. I gave him a pitiful look before slowly closing my eyes. But expect the unexpected, he release his hold from my neck. But I still not open my eyes. He started to panic.








"AGH!!" I wake up from my bed.

"It's just a dream." I said while wiping sweat on my forehead.

Then my eyes notice a note beside my pillow. I pick up note and read the note.

Sorry for choking you

Will you forgive me?



Oh my gosh.


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