Cold. (Chen)

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"Oppa, PPALI!" I said to my boyfriend, Chen.

"Aish, could you wait little bit?" Chen said while arranging his scarf.

Chen ask me to accompany him to the nearest store. I be like, I'm too lazy for this. But I agree because of my Jongdae.

"Why you wear a scarf, today is hot." I look at his scarf. I watch the news, it says that today will be so hot. I actually believe. "All right, I'm done. Let's go." Chen and I went outside and then Chen lock the door. After he lock the door, we straightly went to a store.

"Do you want something?" I look at him and shake my head. He then nod and went into the store meanwhile I just stand outside and play game in my mobile phone.

~A few minutes later~

"Aish, I'm lost again. All my teammate were afk." I said while looking a defeat screen on my phone. Suddenly someone run into me and quickly snatched my precious phone. I feel stunned for a moment before chasing the thief.

"HEY, GIVE BACK MY PHONE!!" I yelled loudly. We run and run until I arrive at a dark park. The park was very dark. I already loss him and I am lost. The park is very big. I searched for a way out but I cannot find it.

Suddenly, a cold wind hit my skin. It is very cold and made me hug myself. I am shivering right now. "I guess the news are wrong." I never believe news anymore.

As I walk into the park more, my legs start to become weak. I hugged myself a little tighter and continue. I might be fall anytime. I walk and walk until I found a not-so-dimmed light. Unfortunately, I fall down on floor and began to shake viciously. Then, I saw a figure running towards me. "Op-Oppa..." I said slowly before my world become dark.

~After 30 minutes.~

Why I feel so warm? I felt like I am being hugged. I slowly opened my eyes, revealing my sweetest boyfriend ever, Jongdae. "(Y/N), ARE YOU OKAY?" He ask in worry tone. I smile slightly and say that I am fine. "What are you doing here? When I went out the store, you already gone. I searched you everywhere until I found you lying motionlessly on the floor. I thought I already lost you.

"I chase a thief. He stole my phone. I try to get back my phone but he is too fast and he lead me to this park." Chen look at you and smile. "It's okay dear. I can buy you a new one."

I love that phone so much. "No, I don't-" He put his slender finger on my lips. "You may loss that phone, but I cannot be loss right? It's just a phone and I am still here, loving you tenderly." My cheeks become hot and embarrassed when he flirt me.

"Let me pick you up. You just sleep okay?" He said before he pick me in bridal style. I feel terrified a little but become calm again because my Jongdae is picking me up. I look at his face one last time before slowly drifting to sleep.

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