Psycho.[Part 2]

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Suho POV

I go to Luhan house because I just broke up with my girlfriend, Arin.

When I in front of Luhan house, I knock the door.

"Lu, are you at home?"

"Yeah, just for a minute."


After a few minute, Luhan open the door. He just smiling at me.

"Come in."

I enter his house and sit on the couch.

"Why are you here?" Luhan ask.

"Well, I just broke up with Arin."

"WHAT?! Why?"

"Because she saw me kissing with a fangirl. That fangirl is try to kiss me."

"Damn that girl." Luhan look pissed off.

"Look Suho maybe you should let Arin go."

"Why on earth do I have to let her go?"

"Perhaps she is not destined to be with you anymore."

I look at Luhan and notice that his hair and shirt are messed.

"Why are you so messed out, Lu?"

" of the house.." Luhan try to give a promising smile but it's too late.

He must done something illegal.

"You better get shower."

"Okay. I'm so dirty right now."

Then, Luhan go upstairs and left me at living room.

Suddenly I heard a knocking near the living room.

At first I thought that it just a rat, but somehow I think that is person.

"Never mind. Maybe I should call Arin to apology."

I pick my phone and start dialing Arin's number. When I call Arin, I hear her ringtone somewhere in the house.

I feel worry about Arin when I found her picture everywhere on the house walls.

I search the sound and finally it lead me to a room. I try to open the door but it's lock.

"Maybe the key is in Luhan shirt."

Without no hesitation, I go upstairs and enter Luhan room. I still hear the water sound in the bathroom. And then, I see Luhan shirt and the key.

I take the key and immediately get out from the room and head straight to the room.

When I unlock the door, I slowly open the door and shock to see my girlfriend tied.


I hold her and open the tape.

"" Arin speak weakly.

"What happen?!"

"Luhan is obsessed with me and kidnap me."

After hearing that I untied the rope and she hug me.

"Don't worry honey. I'll protect you."

I help her to stand up and get out from the room. When I in front of the main door....

"Where are you going..."

I look at Luhan and he is holding a gun.He is really mad right now.

"I'm taking Arin from you, b*st*rd."

Luhan swiftly go downstairs and chase me and Arin.

"You're not going anywhere." Luhan laugh and grin at me.

"Arin, you better run now."

End of Suho POV

Arin POV

"You better run now."

I just nodded and get out from that crazy house.

I run as fast as I can.And then,


I stop my run and think about Suho.

When I mumbling about Suho, I see Luhan. His hands and shirt are dirty with blood. I scream and freaked out. He is grinning evilly at me. I try to run and because of that I fell down. My energy is empty and I'm so tired.

Luhan is coming closer to me and what can I do is cry for my life.

"Welcome back to hell, Darling."
Luhan smile creepily at me and drag me to the house.



Hi, it's me the author.

I'm sorry if describe Luhan as too bad and physcotic and bad.

Don't forget to follow me

*Luhan dragged the author into his house.

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