I'm Sorry. [Lay]

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"Oppa, STOP!" I said as Lay hit my small body. I am such a weak. Whereas Lay ignored my beg and continue to hit me. "Why are you doing this to me Mia?" His voice is cold, more like angry at me. "I'm not doing anything that make you jealous. I'm sorry oppa." I cried. He hurted me again. I had been patient for a long time but this time, I gave up.

"You know the f*ck*ng rule right? Do not ever dare to talk to man other than me." I began to felt angry. Why he is so angry when I just talking to my brother? He is too protective, more on possesive side. "OPPA!" He stopped hitting when I yelled at him.

I pushed him away, making fall to his back. "You are too much oppa! Why on earth you do not let me talk to my brother. He is my BROTHER!" He kept silent as I complained about his attitude. "I had been patient with you for a long time but now I had ENOUGH! I'm going to Yein house." I said before rushing to my room and packed my stuff in luggage.

"Mia, give me chance to make it up for you." he looked at me sadly but I do not care anymore. I had been lied many times but I'm not giving mercy to him. I ignored him and called my brother to pick me up. Lay, who just watching me in the room began to breath heavily as I waited for my brother to pick up my call.

"M-Mia, STOP!" He ran to me and snatched my phone before throwing it onto the floor. My eyes widened as my phone broke into pieces. Lay gripped both my arm firmly. "MIA, DO NOT LEAVE ME!!!" I almost cry as he scream in front of my face. "L-Let me go!" I said as I began to move away from him. He did not loosen his grip and kept firming his grip. "Op-Oppa, you're hurting me." I squeaked as I tried to push him away.

Then, he loosen his grip and move away from me. "I-I'm sorry Mia. I do not know how I become like this." He said as he looked at his hands. I closed my eyes and sighed deeply before taking my luggage and barged out from his house. "Mia, do not leave me. I'm sorry. I was harshed to you before but I realized it now. Please, please do not go." His voice now become sad. "Goodbye oppa." I said slowly before get out from his house.

~3 weeks later~

I stared his house from outside. I came back to him. No matter how hard he hitted me, I still love him. He is my first love. I cannot forget my sweet memories with him. His house is a mess, the plants in the potz become withered, the curtain fully close the windows. I'm scared but I want to see him so bad. I gulped slowly and then walk to the door.

My hand was shaking as I knocked the door slowly.

"Oppa? This is Mia."

No response.

I reached the door knob and twist it. The door seemed to be unlocked. I'm worried. Is he okay? Is he still going to love me after I leave him? This questions stucked in my mind as I opened the door slowly. The house was really messed up as I come into the house.


Still no response from him.

I slowly put my luggage aside of the messy, brownish sofa and walked slowly to my room. The door was opened. I decided to peek into room. My heart ache as I saw him laying on my bed, crying sound can be heard from him.

"O-Oppa?" My voice squeaked as tear streamed down to my cheek. He went up from my bed and looked at me. His eyes were puffy and red. His face was pale. He immediately got up from my bed, ran to me and hugged me tightly. "M-M-Mia..." His alluring voice is nowhere to be heard, just his sobbing voice. This made my tear streamed down fast on my cheeks.

"Oppa. I'm sorry for leaving you. I do not know that you will be like this." I patted his back softly.

"No-no-no, this is my fault for making me you leave. I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for hitting you. I'm sorry for stressing you out. I'm sorry for everything I did to you." His sorry is obviously sincere. I smiled a bit, softening my poor heart.

"Alright oppa. I forgive you."

Both of us looked at each other and smile happily.

"But oppa..."

"What is it dear?"

"Don't hurt my feeling, again."

"Sure dear. I promised that I wouldn't hurt you, EVER."

The End.

Hi guys.

First for all, I want to apologise for not updating this book. Writer's block always hit me. I can write a story but I cannot finish it. It is like I only like the beginning but hate the ending so bad. I hope you guys understand.

Thank you.

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