I'm in love, again. [Kyungsoo]

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Jane POV

"Mom." Mom turned back and looked at me, giving me a beautiful smile. "What is it dear?" I look at the floor while fiddling my fingers. "I-I think..." Mom stopped her work and then come at me. "What is it?" I love her soft voice. "I think I am in love." My mom raised her eyebrow. "So, who is the boy that managed to seduce my pretty daughter?" She said jokingly. "Kyungsoo..." My mom frowned. "Why Kyungsoo darling? There are many men out there but why you fall in love with him?"

I knew it. My mom does not like Kyungsoo because... he cheated on me before but I do not care. Everyone deserve a second change. Eventhough he cheated on me, he always chat with me and asked about my life. But mom does not seems to realized it. "Mom... he is nice to me. He promised that he will never hurt me, AGAIN.

Yes, Do Kyungsoo is my past boyfriend. When we first time meet, we were in high school. I just moved there and being a new student was kind of tough. Kyungsoo is in the last class not because he is stupid. But because he is special.

Back to the reality, my mom stared my face and then hold my shoulder. "Do you really love him, dear?" I nodded slowly as she put her hands away from my shoulder. "Ok. I give him one last chance but if he hurt you for the last time. I will not tolerate with him anymore." I nodded again. "Oppa, you will not hurt me again, right?" "Ok dear. Lets eat." She said to me before walking to dining room.

After I had eating session with my family, I got a message from Kyungsoo.

"Jane, can we meet up tonight? On 9 P.M? I will be at the park."

From:My love uwu.

Ok this is weird. We never meet up at night? He usually meet me whether in the morning or evening but not at night? What is wrong with him? Is he gonna tell me that he will leave me? Is he gonna break up with me? Am I not good enough for him? Do I hurt his feeling? Why am I being like this? I shaked my head, forgetting those thoughts. Later, I told my mom that I am going to see Kyungsoo at the park.

"Be safe dear."

I nodded at her before walking to the park. Umm...

The park is too empty but the streetlight lit up the park so I am not that worry. Where is he? Is he lied to me? I sighed. Why am I being like this again? Always having sad thoughts. Be positive Jane.

Soon, my smartphone began to ring. It is him.


"Oppa, where are you?"


"What is it? Are you lying to me?"

"No babe. I will be there in a minute."

"Alright. Please quick. I'm scared being alone."

"Haha. I will. Bye."


He hung up the call.

I sighed as I searched for nearest bench to rest. The atmosphere here in the park is quite cold. Is it gonna raining soon? I looked up onto the sky and just seeing pitch black sky. The moon does not even seen. I sighed again as I hugged myself for warm.

~A few minutes~

Why is he not here yet? Please come oppa. I am scared, and cold too. And then I saw someone walking by. "Oppa?"

He stopped walking for a while before walking to me.

"Oppa, why are you so late? You scared me. You know that I am scared of darkness?" He looked at me and smile sheepishly. "I'm sorry Jane. I brought hot chocolate for you." He said as he handed me a cup of hot chocolate to me. My temper immediately cool down. "Oh. Thank you oppa. So this is the reason why you late?"

He sat down beside me and nodded. We then drank the hot chocolate. After I drink the chocolate, I looked at him. Why he is so cute? UwU my heart cannot take it. He just looked down on the pavement, not saying anything.

"So, why do you want to meet me at night oppa?" He kept silent as he sipped his drink. Since he is not listening, I slowly whisper to him. "Oppa, are you listening or not?" He startled when I did that. Why so cute? "Y-You scare me, Jane." I laugh softly. "So, why we meet at night?"

He put his cup aside and then look at me. "I-I want..."

"What is it oppa?"

"C-Can I kiss you?" I closed my eyes, getting excited. But since this too sudden, I played with him for awhile.

"For what oppa?" Kyungsoo started playing fingers, getting nervous.


"I just want a kiss from you thats all." My cheeks went red. Why you always good at making me blush? "Oppa, close your eyes." He look at me in confusion. "Oppa~ Don't be so confuse will ya?" He nodded slowly and then close his eyes.

"Oh my gosh! I am gonna kiss him again!" I went closer to his lips and attached my lips with his. It felt soft and the kiss was tender. I never thought that I could be back to him again as he was the one who cheated on me. "Jane." I look at him and saw his shining owl eyes. He looked deeply into my eyes and then hold my hands. "I'm sorry for cheating on you before. I know that this is my fault and I'm sorry for hurting your feelings. Ok, why my eyes felt watery?

"Oppa.." My sight was blurry because of the tears. "I love you." I hugged him and he tighten it. His love for me is still alive after all the cheating stuff happened. "Don't cry Jane." He said as he wiped my tears with his thumb.


I laughed and continue to wipe my still-flowing tears. "Yes?"

"Will you forgive me?"

I smiled a bit and saw that he was also smiling.

"I forgive you."

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