Drama. [Luhan]

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"OPPA!!" I scolded at my boyfriend as I balled my fist. I don't think that he would cheating on me with my bestfriend. Only God knows what I feel right now.

"What the heck do you want now?" He ask me, in a mean way.
"Huh! w-what I want now?" I ask him back. How would he don't know. My anger level is almost maximum.

"Yes, you freak-."

A slap, hard one was send to his white cheek. Wow, I never thought that I could slapped him like that. His cheek went red because of the slap.

"YOU BITCH!!" He yelled at me as he pushed me down to floor, Hardly.

"Is that all you got?" I manage to stand again and face him like a lawyer and a prisoner.

"N-no.." He stutter. I walk slowly to him and he stepped back. A smirk formed on my lips. He's so cute when he stutter.

"Listen up, oppa." I said while grabbing his collar. Although I grab his collar, he still tall and towered me. I'm actually in a weak position.

"Y-yes." He stutter, again.

"Let's say that I tell my big brother about you cheating on me, what do you think about his reaction?" I ask him with confident.

"Please don't tell your brother. I-I will do anything for you." He said, almost crying out.

A smirk formed again on my lips. "Nope, I still want to tell my brother." I let go his collar and walk away from him.


He hugged me from behind. I struggle to escape his hug but he hugged me tighter.

"Let me go."

He lean his head on my shoulder instead of doing what I told to do. Then I feel a little wet on my shoulder. Is he crying?

"I'm sorry, jagi. I promised that I won't cheating on you again." He said while sobbing. My heart softened a little bit. Is he really mean his words?

He turned me to face him. His eyes is teary. "I-I'm sorry." I apologize to him sincerely. Then, he move his lips to meet mine. At first it was slow and gentle, but later it became lustful and rough one. [Especially him.]

"L-Luhan o-oppa." I said while he still kissing me roughly. "S-stop." I beg to him. But, he doesn't want to stop. After that, he push me to the ground. My elbow is bleeding due to the impact of falling.

"OUCH, that's hurt." I groaned because of the pain. Luhan stare at me with a smirk plastered on his face. (Rape face.)

"Let me help you, sweety." he reach his hand to me. I hesitate at first, but when I see his innocent face (rape face), my heart melt.

I slowly take his hand. He doesn't help me to get up, but he push me on the ground. He slowly creeping on my body.

"Y-YAH OPPA!!" I scream as his hand slowly touching my stomach. I tried to stop him but he is too....


He leaned his face almost near my face. I can feel his hot breathe as he inhale my perfume. He smirked at me.

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