Who are you? [Kai]

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I feel so weak and unable to move. I slowly open my eyes. My view is still blur. After a while, my view is clear. I only see a white wall. But there someone sitting next to me. He look at me, smiling.

"Krystal!! Do you feel hungry? Do you want to eat?" He continuously questioning me. I feel it quite irritating for me.

"W-who are you?"

I can see his face turn from happy to shock. He stuttered.

"I'm Jongin, your boyfriend." Then, a doctor enter my room and talk to him. He just grinned, in a nice way.

"Krystal, you can discharge today." Say that doctor to me. I just nod.

~At Jongin House~

"TADA!!! This is our house!!" He introduced me while pointing his house or OUR house. I just gave him a fake smile. Then he show me inside of the house. I look at him and gave a slower nod.

He sigh heavily. After that he drag me into OUR house. When we enter the house, he lock the door and just stare at me. "Jongin?" I ask if he is okay. He don't answer me and just come closer to me as I stepped backwards. He grab my arms and pinned me at the wall. I felt scared and almost yelled for help.

"Let me go...." I struggle in his arms. He lean his face closer to me. "Do you really don't remember me?" He stare in my eyes. Our eyes meet each other. I shake my head slowly. After a while, he leave me and went upstairs. I just stood there and froze. "What just happen?" You ask yourself.

I sit on the couch and look anywhere in the house. I have to admit it, it is very beautiful. As I gaze the house, I notice some photo frame. I go to it and grab the photo frame.It has a crack on the frame. I see him and I smiled while he hugged me from behind. Looking at it makes me remember something important or my lost memory.

"Ughh.." I grabbed my head in pain. I feel headache and almost faint but I hold it up. I went to the yard. His house is full of beautiful tree and flowers. I feel like the pain is gone just by looking at the plants.


I feel a pair of arms hugged me from behind. I try to be cool and not panic. Later on, I feel his head lean on my shoulder.
"I really miss you." He tell me.

I just keep my mouth shut. I try to escape from his hold but his arms getting stronger and he hugged me tightly. I give up and just lean my head beside his. We stand in that position in about 5 minutes before he let go of me and enter the house. I enter the house later.


I slowly opened our bedroom to see he sleeping in a bed. I enter the room and closed the door. I enter the bed and closed my eyes. Then, I feel him hugged me again. "Krystal..." He call you with a sweet tone. I turn around and face him. Our faces just a inch between each other.

"Let's makes a new life." He smile at me and I respond to him by giving a kind smile. His lips is getting closer to me and our lips collide. His lips is very soft and sweet. We kiss in about 10 minutes before I sleep in his arms.

"You don't have to remember the past." He smirk evilly.


"I KNOW IT!! I KNOW YOU CHEATING ON ME!!" I yelled at him as I balled my fist. "Let me explain." He persuade me but no way he can gained my trust anymore.

"LET'S BREAK UP." I spoke to him strongly. I can see his anger showed on his face.

He grab my arms and pinned me harshly at the wall.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY." He grabbed my arms even tighter. I feel the pain and try to get out from his hold. I kick his leg and he let me go to see his leg. I run away but he manage to grab my hair.

"AGHH!! JONGIN, IT HURTS!!" I yelled in pain as he pull me toward him. As he pull me, I manage to hold on the table but it doesn't last long before he pull my hair even tighter. All things on the table just fall on the ground even our photo frame. Tears start to fall on my cheek. After I face him, he hold my head.


He yelled at me before push me hardly. Unfortunately, my head hit a coffee table. I feel a lot of pain. I look at the ceiling before my views slowly blurred and finally I faint.


Do you understand this story?

Anyway, enjoy the story.

There are many short story in making.

Thank you and good bye.



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