Bully. [Kai]

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"Leave me alone." I said slowly as Kai, the biggest bully in the school walk to me.

"What if?" he pushed me onto the locker and trapped me between his arms.

"I don't want to?" he smirk, staring deeply into my eyes.

I try to speak but it become mute. Why my throat feel dirty?

"Shy huh? I bet you will like it when I kiss that pretty mouth of yours." my eyes widen. He is pervert.

"N-No, I don't like it." He laugh, making my cheeks went red.

"Still denying huh?" he went dangerously close to me. His lips is an inch away from me.

I can feel his breath. So hot...

Stop daydreaming (y/n)!!

You push him, making him fall onto the hard cold floor.

"Th-this is wrong. I-I gotta go now. Bye." I start to run from him as fast as I could be. I can hear him screaming my name.

I'm scared. What should I do?

I can't think straight right now.

I run and run until I found a locker that is unlock. I run to the locker and slowly enter the locker. Then, I close the door and hope that I don't make many noises.

"(Y/N)!!" His loud scream indicate that he is nearing. I put my hand on my mouth so that I don't make any noise. And then, the door opened, revealing an evil boy, Kai. He pull me out from the locker and dragged me into the janitor room.

This is not gonna a good ending.

"W-What do you want?" I tried to be brave but failed miserably because he is grinning evilly to me. He quickly take both my hands and put it above my head. His lips is dangerously close to my lips.


And then, his lips meet mine. I tried to push him away, but he is too strong. So, I gave up. I responded his kiss. The kiss was so passionate and romantic. Eventhough, it is forced but I love it. My first kiss with my secret crush.

I know that I should confess my feeling to him. But, there always obstacles that make it hard to confess. And that is why I avoid him. But, he is coming to me. Is he love me?

Then he release the kiss, holding my hands while looking into my eyes intensely.

"I love you, (y/n). I love you since we meet for the first time in school's cafeteria. My eyes already notice you when you walk across the cafeteria. You're so beautiful. Will you be my girlfriend?" He confess to me.

Kim Jongin, the biggest bully in school, is confessing his love to a nerd like me. I feel touched, happy too. My tears already fall to my cheeks. I hugged him tightly and say,


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