Assistant. [Lay]

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Little Smut.

"Attention everyone, here is a new worker at our office." Manager Luna introduced me to all workers in the office.

"Annyeonghasaeyo. My name is _______."

"Okay then, _______ please follow me to see our BOSS." Luna deepened the last word.

"What's wrong with our BOSS?"

At first, she hesitates. After a few persuading, she starts to talk.

"At first thought, you will think him as an angel or anything like that. But his inner self is full of lust and evil."

I gulped slowly after listening to what Luna said. My knee starts shaking. Why do I feel scared?

"We're finally here, our boss room." Luna pointed at the wooden door with a sign 'BOSS' on it. The sign colour is gold. I think?

"Well, my guide is only right here. I gotta finish my work."

When Luna walk past me, I quickly grab her arm.

"Unnie, do you have any advice?"
"Be CAREFUL. Once you enter his room, your fate is in your hands. Just don't let him fool you with his nice manner. If you disobey his command, he will become aggressive and eventually hurt you. And also, mind the languages and watch your mouth from saying things that make him feel mad."

My heart probably screams as loud as it can right now. After that, I let go of her arm.

"Well, see you later." Luna last words before she leaves me with HIM.

I walk slowly to the door and knock it several times.

"Come in."

I open the door and my eyes locked to him. He is wearing a grey shirt and black tie. He is so handsome that my eyes can't look away from him.

"Hello, Miss ________?"

I snapped back to reality when he wakes me up. He caught me staring at him.

"Please sit down." He gestures me to sit on a chair in front of him.

"So, you're applying this company to become my assistant." My heart starts to skip fast. And don't forget about the way he stares at me and the way he licks and bit his lips.

"So what are you gonna do now is to make me a coffee for me right now."

"All right. I'll make the coffee right now." I say as I stand up from my chair and walk away to the door.

"Nice ass."

My walk almost stopped when he talks slowly. I can hear it loud and clear but I just ignore the 'compliment'. My cheeks probably went red right now.

When I walk into the kitchen, I look at the furniture in awe.

"It's so high class," I said while putting a sugar cube in his coffee.

When I turn back, the first thing I saw was Mr Lay stand too close to me. Unfortunately, his coffee spill on my clothes. You hear me. MY TOP. So, my white bra can be seen clearly.

"What are you looking at?!" I say as I cover my body with my arm.

"You're beautiful, _______." He licks his lips sexily.

Stay strong, ______. STAY STRONG! Don't lose to him.

"Boss, can you go to your room right now!"

My lips immediately sealed. I already make a mistake, on my first day of work.

"What did you say? I can't hear it properly." His arms began to lock me in between his arms and the counter.

I just keep quiet and look down the floor.

"Look at me." his voice becomes cold and rough. I'm a slice of dead meat right now.

I slowly looking from his shoes until his dark-coloured eyes. My knee also becomes jelly because he stares into my eyes deeply. It feels like my soul is ripped off.

"Can you say that again?"







"ANSWER ME!!" He yelled at me. My eyes start to feel wet.

"Do you want to cry right now?" He immediately grabs my wrist and dragged me into his room.

Did I tell you about the cup shattered and a peeking staff worker?


Never mind.

"BOSS!! PLEASE CONTROL YOURSELF!!" Luna unnie persuades Lay.

"JUST DO YOUR DAMN JOB!! PLEASE DON'T MIND US!!" His voice can be heard in that big office.

Luna and other worker stay in silent as Lay began to drag me into his room.

After we enter his room, he pushes me onto the couch, HARDLY.

"Do you want to know about my inner self right?" He says while locking his door.

"Boss, please..." I began to beg for my life.

"Do you think you can escape easily?" He walked closer to me.

I stood up from his red couch and step backwards from him.

"Please, boss..."

He is so fast that in a blink of an eye, he trapped me inside his arms.

"Call me DADDY." He licks his lips again...

Oh, dear.


He shushed me with a kiss. My knee is even weaker right now.

I hope a miracle will happen.







"I let you escape this time. But don't think to escape from me next time." He walks away from me and leaves the office.

Meanwhile, I just stand there and froze like a doll.

"D-did he let me free?"

~Next Day~

"Boss, this is why our company almost broke. You keep seducing a new worker. Both man and woman worker." Luna put a resignation letter on top of Lay table.

I immediately resigned from becoming Lay's assistant.


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