Time For The Moon Night. [Luhan]

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Sowon POV

"Oppa, saengil chukahae!" I said as I make love pose to Luhan. He laugh and hug me. "Thank you dear." He kiss my lips and pinched my nose lightly. "Oppa, don't forget to make wish before blowing the candles." he nod his head and then hold his hand together and close his eyes.

Then he opened his eyes and blow the candles in one breath. "Oppa, what is your wish?" He chuckled lightly and shake his head. "I cannot tell you. If I tell you, the wish will not come true."

A/N= Not to be racist or something like that, but I never wish for something on my birthday. It is because I never do that. 😂

"Oh. Okay!" Soon later, Luhan slice the cake and give me a plate of cake to eat. "Oppa, say AAAA." He giggled lightly and then opened his mouth. After the eating session, we decided to watch television. "Dear, what channel do you want to watch?" He said as he seat beside me on the sofa. I think for a moment and got the idea.

"I do not know but I have an idea." He looked at me woth full anticipation. "We watch Bob The Builder!!" His bright smile become a pout. "Why that cartoon tho?" I look at him and laughed happily. "Oh boy, I am just kidding."  then he smile. We decided to watch 'Thomas and Friends." As we watch the show, my eyes began to become heavy. "Jagiya, are you sleepy?" I look at Luhan and nod slowly. He smiled and closed the television.


I slowly open my eyes, getting back to the reality. Then I seat and do the a little stretching before going to kitchen to make breakfast. While I was eating, I began to think about yesterday. I smiled as my tears dripping to my cheeks. "Why I am like this?" I said as I put a spoonful of cereals into my mouth. I miss my boyfriend.

3rd Person POV


"Oppa, saengil chukahae!" Sowon said as she make a love pose. She laugh and hug herself. She giggled a little when she hug herself. "Oppa, don't forget to make wish before blowing the candles." Sowon hold her hands and closed her eyes before blowing the candle light. "Oppa, what is your wish?"

Soon later, Sowon cut the cake and put one piece of cake onto her plate. "Oppa, say AAAA." She then eat the piece of the cake. After the eating session, Sowon seat on the sofa and turned on the television. "How about Bob The Builder!" She shake her head and laugh. Later, she watched "Thomas and Friends" before getting sleepy.

So, the story is about Sowon, who is celebrating her boyfriend birthday. But actually, she celebrate it alone, as Luhan is actually dead.

Sowon is just hallucinating all the time.

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