Twin. [Suho]

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Hyerin POV

"Hello." I greet the nurse. I'm at hospital, visiting my sick boyfriend, Suho.

"Can I visit a patient named Kim Junmyeon?"

"You can. His room number is 342." The nurse gave me a visitor pass.

Then, I went straight to his room. On the way to his room, I saw some familiar faces laying on the bed. I feel pity for them because they always made their fans happy.

Finally, I stand in front of his room. I hold the doorknob and twist it. The door slowly open and the first thing I see is him, my boyfriend sitting on his bed looking outside the window.

"Oppa..." He turn back his head and saw me. He gave a sweet smile to me. I smile back to him.

Then, he ask me to sit beside him. I slowly sit beside him.

"How are you doing, oppa?"

"I'm okay. But.." I start to feel worried.

"But what?"

"I miss you so much." My cheeks start to red. Aish, this man...

"I make a food special for you." I tell him while showing him a container with fried rice in it.

"Thank you jagiya." He said that before pinching my cheeks. My cheeks become more red right now.

Then, he leaned his mouth to my ear,

"Can you feed me?" His hoarse voice making me have butterflies.

"S-sure." He laugh a little when I stuttered.

"You're cute when you stutter." He said before opening his mouth, waiting for food to come in.

I take the spoon and put the food inside his mouth. I look at him munching my food.

"W-What's wrong?" I start to panic when he make a 'what's this?" face.

And then, he is start smile again making me relief.

"Why are you doing this?" I said shyly while hitting softly at his broad shoulder.







As time passed by, I start to pack my belonging as it's time to go home. I pecked softly on his lips and watch he smile. I'll miss him.
"Goodbye, Oppa." I said before close his door.

~Outside The Hospital~

"Oh dear, I'm late." I look my watch and sighed. I just miss my bus. So, I decided to walk to my home.

On the way to my home, my steps stopped when I saw a black figure at corner of the back alley.
I gulped slowly as I walked passed it and try to run when I abruptly bump into some guy.

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