Sweet. [Chanyeol]

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Baekhyun POV

"AGH. MORE....."








"Yeollie please. Faster....."









"You're so good, yeollie."









"Alright I'm done." Chanyeol start to move away but I pull his hand so that he lay on the bed.

"It's already fourth time you ask me to do that again." Chanyeol nag at me like a mother. (father maybe?)

"But I want more..." I pout cutely, which is making him sighed in defeat.

"Fine, I'll do it for the last time." his hands starts to touch my back, which felt amazing. Then by using his slender fingers, he massage me.

"Ahh....." I started to moan.

"You really like my touch, huh?" he smile at me, making me blush at his words.

"Yeah, I like it. No, I LOVE it very much." he massage a bit rough on my shoulders.

And then he stopped, making me whine like a child.

"Why did you stop?" I ask without looking at him.

No response but I can feel his presence.

"Y-Yeollie...." I look at my back to see him staring at me. I began to felt nervous.

"If you want me to continue massage you, you need to do a favor." he smirk at me.

"What kind of favor do you want?" He move closer to me and whisper to me.

"Have sex with me." my eyes widened in shock.

"Are you nuts?! I'm a boy and you're a boy too." I raised my voice a bit but at the same time, blushing like hell.

"So what?" he pull my leg closer to him so that he will trapped me between his arms.

"I always get what I want." his mouth start to give soft kisses on my neck.

"Ahh... Please don't do that..." I try to hold moan from coming out but it become whimper.

"Is that a whimper hyung?" He smirk at me and lick his lips sexily. I shakes my head fast which he found it amusing somehow.

"You're so cute when you do that." And then his lips began to move closer to mine. I looked into his eyes deeply.


I close my eyes, not wanting to see him kissing me. Then, something soft touch my lips. Probably his lips. He deepened the kiss which makes both of our heart beat fast.

The kiss become more needy than I expected, He release his lips from mine and look at me.

"You're really needy, yeollie-ah." I smirk at him, making him blush.

"Stop it, hyung. You make me blush so hard." He said while giggling like a child. I laugh at him.

After a while, he start to unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a sculptured abs. I almost drooling over his abs when suddenly he unbuttoned my shirt, revealing my nutella abs.

I bit my lips, try to hide a shy shy shy.

Before he take out his pants,









"Baekhyun-ah!!" Xiumin yell from the kitchen.

I can see dissapointment on Chanyeol face. He sighed and start zip up his pants.

"You're lucky this time, hyung." Chanyeol said to me before leaving me alone in my room.

Meanwhile, I hold my laugh carefully. Not wanting to laugh too much.

But I'm very sure if Xiumin don't call me, my ass will sore by Chanyeol's 9 inch cock.

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