Tutor. [Chanyeol]

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Emily POV

"Ugh!" I yelled as I scratched my head. Why this subject is too hard for me? I thought I am clever enough to answer this question but d*mn, I am not even pass the first question. And then I remembered what Chanyeol said to me back at school.

"If you having problem about Mathematics,
call me okay? I'm always ready for you."

This boy. Park Chanyeol. My secret crush, is offering to help me with this subject. I harshly scratched my head eventhough my scalp is not itchy. Should I call him? Or I should not? These choices can be pretty hard to choose. After 1 minute of thinking, I decided to call Chanyeol.



Boi, his voice is so alluring.

"Hello. Is this Chanyeol speaking?"

"Yes, this is Chanyeol speaking."



"I want you to help me with math."

"Ah I see. Ok. I will be in front of your door
jn a few minutes."

"Go-Good. See you later."

"Ok. Bye."

Then I hung up. He will be arrive in a few minutes. What should I do? Umm, this is hard. Oh yes, I should tidy up my room first and then change my clothes since my clothes quite revealing. Without further ado, I began to tidy my messy room. After I done tidying my room, I went into bathroom for a shower.

"Emily! Your friend is here!"

Hearing my mom words, I scream back an 'Ok' to her. After coming out from my bathroom, I immediately wear a simple top and tracksuit.

And then I heard a knocking at my door.

"Emily, can I come in?"

Oh gosh, he is here. How I look? Do I look ok? I'm afraid he might uncomfortable with my appearance. I tie my hair and open the door to welcome a tall, good looking boy.

"Sure, come in."

His large figure enter my room. Oh boy, he is so tall. He then sit on my chair. Thing get really awkward as we kept silent.

"Let me take my book on the table."

He nod his head. I slowly approaching him since he is sitting in front of my book. His look became different as I approach him.

"Chan-Chanyeol, my book..."

"Oh, yeah. Your book."

He take my book and gave it to me. While I reached for my book, our hands accidentally touched. I am shocked while he is calm. "Tha-Thank you." He smile at me and took out his book from his beg.

And then Chanyeol start tutoring me. And the tutoring became extremely long. As he explain deeply about phythagoras, I stare his handsome face intensely, not realizing that he is aware of me staring at him.


I startled and immediately hid my embarassment into my shirt. "Oh god, he notice me." Then I look at him and mouthed 'I'm sorry' at him. He nodded his head while smiling. Why he is so charming? Then, the tutoring continue and boi...

I don't understand at all.

"Do you understand, Emily?"

I looked at him and smiled, widing my lips. He looked up and sighed deeply. "Oh Chanyeol. Why I can't tell you that I had been crushing on you for a long time?"

"I'm sorry. I thought this tutoring will be easy for me but this gonna be hard." He closed his book and looked at me. "Umm... Chanyeol? Why do look at me like that?" I said as I looked down on my fidgeting fingers. He stand up and walked toward me and demanded me to stand up too. This is so awkward.

"Emily," He hold my shoulders. I closed my eyes, wishing that this is nor real.

"Look at me." I slowly looked at his eyes. His eyes, is really something isn'it? "Wh-What is it?" I stuttered, my poor heart beating so hard. I am too shy. What he going to do with me? Why I think so much? Ughh I hate this situation.

"I think that..."

"I love you."

My heart felt like stopping.[Heart.EXE has stopped working] Is Park Chanyeol, my long time crush, just confessing at me? It seemed to be surreal at first, but I began to realize that he really love me by the way he stared into my eyes.

"I-I..." He put his slender finger on my lips, silencing me. He slowly pushing my head closer with him, our lips finally meet and collide. [This is too romantic, ALEXA, play Nae saranghae geudae] I cannot believe it. This is too much for me. Did we kiss? Am I alive? Is this heaven? Am I already dead? I-I cannot describe the feeling at the moment he kiss my lips. His lips is so soft. The kiss, is so tenderly and romantic.

He deattached his lips from mine. He looked at me and said,

"Emily Jones, will you be my girlfriend?"

Tears suddenly streamed down to my cheeks. I cried. My secret crush confess and want me to become his girlfriend. This might be clichè but,

"I will."

The End.

Man, did I just published two stories? I'm crying. These stories were abandoned for 4 month and I really publish it today. I feel relief. By the way,


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