Chapter two.

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Aaliyah's P.O.V

We finally got their house it was huge, close to the size of ours but just a little bit smaller. We got to the door and I stood behind my parents as they knocked. The door opened revealing the King and Queen , Matthew and Mary. I looked pass them and seen their son, Ray sitting on the couch smirking at me. I just rolled my eyes and said greeted his parents then walked into their house. Our parents told us to go upstairs and do whatever while they  talk. I really didn't want to go but I had no other choice but too.

I followed behind Ray to where ever he was taking me. We walked into a room fit for a boy. So i'm guessing its his. I sat on his bed in silence and it soon became an awkward one and I guess Ray tried to break it by trying to make conversation with me.

"Hows life?" He asked me

"it could be better.."

"why you acting like that?" He asked.

"like what?"

He stared at me blankly and said "Like you cant stand my presence."

"I can't, because your just another Prince that thinks their all that when their not."

It was quiet for a while, he had an angry expression on his face. I really didn't care. It was the truth.

"How would you ever even know that? or the question is why would you assume that you don't even know me enough to judge me."

Okay maybe he was right but I still don't like him, I don't have to have a reason I just don't like him AT ALL.

I folded my arms and looked at him with hateful eyes.

"Exactly." He said


I got up and stormed out the room and downstairs he followed behind me.

"Good you to came at just the right time. We have some news for you guys." His mom said

We both responded by sitting next to our parents.

"Go on.." I said

"Well we have been talking and since its almost time for you guys to take our spots we thought it was best for you to get married.... to each other." My mom said

I just stared at her blankly and blinked trying to let all what she said sink in. All I could register was 'you guys', 'married', and 'to each other'.

I got up, "Excuse me while I go kill myself because its so much better than getting married to him."

Ray just sat there still in his seat not saying a word, beats me. "I'm sorry, but we think it best." My mom said trying to reassure me. 

"You also have to stay here." dad said 

Yup! There is no way I'm staying here are they trying to torture me or something?!

I felt my blood start to boil to keep from yelling at anyone, I just slowly walked out the door with my head down. I sat down on the porch and held my head in my hands.

Ray's P.O.V

"Don't worry about her she'll be fine." Her mom said.

I just walked out the door along with her. I really don't know how I feel about this situation. To my surprise she didn't go far, she was sitting on the porch with her head in her hands. I sat down next to her.

"I really don't like you." She said.

"Trust me if you stay here long enough I bet I can change your mind." I said challenging her.

"I doubt that."

 "Okay don't say I didn't warn you."

She sighed then lifted her head up. She looked at me and I did the unexpected. I kissed her , she was a little hesitant whether to kiss back or not but she did anyways.

 Aaliyah's P.O.V

He kissed me , he actually did it. I was not sure whether to kiss back or not but I did anyways. To be honest I liked it, but I'm suppose to hate him. Did he change my mind about him that quick?! Maybe ..maybe not. I pulled away and he smiled a hesitant smile, I smiled back at him. 

Maybe just maybe he did change my mind....

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