Chapter twenty-two.

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Ray's P.O.V

I shook my foot quickly,impatiently waiting for the doctor to continue. I moved my hand in a motion that was telling him to keep going. You could see in his facial expression and eyes what he was about to tell us wasn't all so great.

"Well... It seems as if she slipped into a Coma while we were doing surgery." He said with a pity kind of look on his face.

"No,no,no." I mumbled to my self quietly. 

My hands started shaking as I got up and paced back and fourth around the waiting room. I looked up at everyone, finding them with tears in their eyes getting ready to spill any second from now. I wiped my hands over my face. I'm not trying to have any bad thoughts, as much as I keep trying to push them to the back of my head they always seem to make their way back into my thoughts.

What if-if she....dies. That was the worst one that kept popping back up in my head. Over the past few months I've learn to love this girl. We have less than 5 months till that big day, our marriage. What if she doesn't wake up in time, what if... 

I sat back down and put my head in my hands. By now the tears coming down harder, my eyes are probably blood shot red but I don't care. Right now I only care for the well being of Aaliyah, my future.

"Ray..." Someone says and rest their hand on my shoulder. I look up to Roc.

"You can go see her if you'd like." He said.

I immediately got up and followed her to the room she was in. My vision was slightly impaired from all the tears still in my eyes. Once he showed me to the room. He stopped at the door and let me in, then he turned back around joining the others in the waiting room again. 

I pulled up a chair next to her and gently took her hand in mine, stroking it softly.

"Aaliyah.. I know you can hear me. Whatever you do, just pull though. For your family, your friends, and-me..please." I whispered softly. I squeezed her hand and I could feel her slightly move. All of a sudden a loud beep went of and doctors rushed in.

Aaliyah's P.O.V

arggg whats with the loud beeping. I quickly opened my eyes but quickly shut up back due to the bright white light shining in my face. I get up and turn around doing a full 360 trying to figure out where exactly I was.

"Marie." A familiar voice said calling me by my middle name.

"Huh?" I asked confused turning around with my hand above my eyes blocking out the bright light.

I gasped at the person in front of me. "Dad!" I yelled running towards him. He scooped me up in his arms hugging me tight. "I miss you." I mumbled.

"I miss you to baby girl," He said before backing up. "But look, you have to go back everyone misses you." He said.

I shook my head. "But I wanna stay here with you, I miss you." I said.

"Come here." He told me taking hold of my hand and walking me towards no where. All of a sudden a visual popped up and there was me in a hospital bed and Ray next to me. He was speaking to me. 

"Aaliyah.. I know you can hear me. Whatever you do, just pull though. For your family, your friends, and-me..please."  He said.

I couldn't help but let a tear fall. "Hes hurting because he can't stand to see you in there like that." My dad said.

I shook my head again. I may sound selfish but I don't wanna go back. The past few months I could have died at least three times and all those three times Ive put someone else in danger. What if Princeton didn't get there on time and i had already shot and killed Ray. What would I think of myself. Another tear fell and that's when I've made up by decision.

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