Chapter five.

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I turned around and yep you guessed it I was facing Roc as in, my Ex. It was 2 summers ago when we starting going out and we recently broke up because we decided to have a long distance relationship then come to find out he cheated on me.

"yeah we know each other." Roc said.

"How?" Ray asked.

I was seriously hoping he wasn't gonna ask that but him being his usual curious self he just had to ask.

"" I said.

"we dated...." Roc answered.

"Awkward..." Mohawk boy sang.

"Um...yeah can I get you twos name because I'm tired of calling y'all Mohawk and Afro in my head."

"Sure I'm Prodigy Afro boy over there name is Princeton."

"Good to know." I stated.

There was an awkward silence everyone just kept exchanging looks.

"Whose Hungry?" Prodigy asked breaking the silence.

We all busted into laughter and Prodigy just looked at us confused.

"I'm gonna go get something to eat for you guys..." I said.

"I'll come with you." Roc said.

"Oh lord, come on" 

We both walk out the door and Roc shows me to the kitchen. I look though all the cabinets and I decided to make Peanut butter sandwiches. I Was turned toward the counter making the sandwiches.

"Aaliyah..." Roc said.

"Yes." I said as I turned around to face him.

"I miss us."

"Well as you can see I can't do anything about it I'm getting married in a year." I told him folding my arms.

"So, can't you do something about it?" He asked.

"Does it look like it?" 

"Oh I see." Roc said.

Before I could say anything else he started walking toward me.

"What are you doing?"

"Relax." He said holding my waist.

"why'd you cheat on me with HER?" I asked.

"It was an Accident...I'm sorry.."

"I Loved you Roc."

"Then why didn't you say that. Just so you know I still love you." He said.

"No! Don't say that because you don't." I felt tears developing. 

"Yes I do Aaliyah."

"No you don't. If you did you wouldn't have cheated on me with HER."

"Stop calling Her 'HER'.." He said.

"Look at you same old Roc taking up for other people except for the one you so call love." I roll my eyes.

"Well her name is Khalia and you know that."

" I don't care what the snobby girls name is." 

"Aaliyah please calm down."

"NO" I Yelled.

"Don't make me have to shut you up." He said.

"And in what way possible will make me shut up."

"This way." He said before pressing his lips to mine. At first I was in shock then I thought about how much I missed him so I kissed him back, it was intentionally but I still did it.

"Well no wonder these sandwiches aren't being ma--." Someone said. 

I pushed Roc off me quickly before looking to see who it was.

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