Chapter thirteen.

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Ray's P.O.V

I watched as Aaliyah entered the ball room everyone's eyes where glued on her, shoot mine were too she look AMAZING, wait that an understatement. She walked over and sat next to me in a chair labeled in gold letter spelling out 'PRINCESS' I had a matching chair but instead it said 'PRINCE'. Ive seen this chair many times I just never thought Aaliyah would be in it sitting right next to me. I turned towards her and smiled she gave one in return, smiling that million dollar smile.

"You look beautiful." I said.

She blushes then look down "Thank you." she said in return to my compliment.

I looked down at her dress it was beautiful but not as beautiful as her. Her dress was strapless and the top half of it was a white corset it stopped slightly above her waist and the bottom half was purple and it was spread out kinda like a layered tutu and it stopped a little bit before her knees.

She looked outstanding I just cant get over that and to tell you the truth I love her and will do anything and I mean anything to protect her, that's how much she means to me and that's alot. We just sat there observing our surrounding. Everyone seemed happy. Lola and Princeton were dancing and so were Prodigy and Sierra. The rest of them were probably chilling out somewhere.


It was a little bit after eight pm and we had already performed, we got complements after complements. "Dance for you" by Beyonce came on, I decided me an Aaliyah should go dance since we have been sitting in these chairs for over an hour. I got up and stood in front of her. I stopped her from observing her surroundings by doing that. I smiled down at her an held my hand out.

"May I have this dance?" I asked her.

"Sure." she said while smiling up at me.

I pulled her up out of her chair and down the steps leading to the dance floor, she seemed happy that's what I like to see from her. We walked towards the middle of the floor and she wrapped her arms around my neck while my hands where on her waist. She laid her head in the crest of my neck, I could feel her slow breaths on my neck as she breathed through her nose while we swayed back and forth to the music.

Aaliyah's P.O.V

It felt good to just let everything go and to just be in the one you love arms, yes I said "love" because I'm falling for Ray, Hard. My eyes were closed as all this was happening. The song ended and I lifted my head up and opened my eyes as soon as I did his lips came crashing into mine. It was slow and passionate. three words four syllables; BEST KISS EVER.

We pulled away at the same time and then it was "Awe " followed by an applaud, I looked up at Ray and smiled at him, He looked down at me since he was taller then me by a few inches and he returned the smile then he kissed my forehead lightly, I blushed. Everyone stopped focusing on us and went back to what they were doing. Ray and I were on our way back over to our seat but I was pulled back by my arms, I turned around and it was my dad.

"Excuse us Ray." My dad said to him.

Ray nodded his head, let go of me and went to go sit.

"Hi daddy." I said as i hugged him.

"Hello sweetheart, come with me." He said while pulling me along.

We exited the room and went upstairs into a room that had books all over the wall. We walked and enter another room and he sat me down in the chair , he went to go fetch something from one of the draws. He came back with a box labeled 'EXANTUS' in big cursive letters.

He handed the box to me and told me to open it. I did as I was told, I removed the boxes lid and was met face to face with a diamond necklace, it must have been at least 90 karats 10 for each diamond. it was beautiful, my dad took it from the box and he pulled me out of my seat turned my back towards him, I lifted up my curls and he placed the necklace around my neck.

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