Chapter fifteen.

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Whats going on? Okay it is that there are people going after Aaliyah for her necklace that her dad gave her because its VERY valuable its been passed from generation to generation for over 100 years, but throughout one of those generations , one generation back to be exact Aaliyah's grandmother from her dads side left her husband because he was abusive to her, and their daughter was suppose to take the place as the Queen once she got married to a Prince and he became King but she couldn't, so Aaliyah took that place.

So now they as in Aaliyah, Sierra(Sisi), Lola, Kendra, Ray, Roc, Prince, and Prodigy have to protect theirselves and eachother so that nothing will happen to them and for that to happen they have to get stronger by training, Jawan (Harris) is the one training them for them to get stronger. Still confused? Just keep reading it will soon make sense.

February 27th.

Ray's P.O.V

"FIVE MORE LAPS Y'ALL!" Jawan yelled while we were doing laps around the island.

I slowed my past down letting Aaliyah catch up with me, she was out of breath but still managed to keep running.

"Oh my gosh, this is killing me." She said.

I just chuckled and she looked at me with a 'whats so funny' type expression. I just shook my head and she turned her attention back ahead of her. The rest of them caught up with us. We turned a corner and we could see Jawan chilling on a beach chair drinking ice cold lemonade. I know he is seriously not serious.

"My legssss" Roc whined.

"Suck it up!" Prodigy said.

I just laughed and continued running, picking my speed up.


We finished our laps and we are now inside, back inside of that dungeon looking place they liked to call the weapons room, mostly because it was filled with weapons and you train how to use them in here. Jawan handed us some safety suits to put on they were all black , and mesh like. It also had a bulletproof vest in the front, and it also had shield like things on the shoulder and knee part of the suits.Jawan also told us we would get belts in different colors every time we mastered a weapon each time. After we all put the suits on he gave us all 25 inch samurai swords.

The swords were different colors on the part where you hold it at, Aaliyah's and mine are purple, Prodigy and Sierra's are red, Princeton and Lola's are green, and Roc and Kendra's are Blue.

We all lined up and got into our own booth which contained dummy dolls. [ whatever you wanna call it ] you could see through the glass next to you so you could see what anybody next to you did. On my left was Aaliyah and on my right was Princeton. We started training and it wasn't that hard you just had to concentrate on what exactly you were doing. I finished beating up all 5 dummies and looked to my right. Turns out Princeton was struggling. The objective was to slice the head off of the dummie's neck.

I looked over to my left and Aaliyah was just knocking the dummies head off their necks like it was nothing, if I didnt know better I would have said she was a pro. Aaliyah turned her head towards me and smiled. I smiled and gave her a thumbs up.

Aaliyah's P.O.V

I was slicing heads off those dummies like it was nothing. I'm a pro at this. My arms got tired so I put the sword down and looked to my right and saw Ray. I smiled at him and he smiled back then put his thumbs up. A buzzer went off telling up that we were done with practice, I walked out of the booth and went back over to Jawan with the rest of us.

"Yall did great," Jawan said.

We all thanked him then he dismissed up to go. We all went into the living room and saw my mom sitting there. It looked like she was waiting on us. As soon as we sat down she started asking us questions.

"What did you have to do?" Mom asked.

Princeton answered, "We had to run 5 laps then slice heads off of dummies."

"Was it easy?"

Prodigy, Lola, Ray, me, and Sisi nodded our heads yes and Princeton, Roc, and Kendra said no.

"Just so you guise know it only get harder."

I sighed, "What happens if they find us? will we have to go to war?"

"Yes, we might have too," Mom said.

"But lets hope that doesn't happen and they don't find us." She added on.

"What exactly do they want?" Prodigy asked.

My mom pointed to my neck and my necklace glistened, every ones eyes turned to me.

"Well why dont you just hide it?" Lola asked.

That was a good idea because if we did it would be less of a good chance it would get into the wrong hands.

"Why don't I just hide it in a place that I only know?" I said.

"Thats a good idea, go do that now."

I got up and went to a place that only I knew about, I found it when I was giving myself a tour of the house.

Jawan's P.O.V

I was walking out of the weapons room and seen Aaliyah turn a corner, I decided to follow her to see what was up. I hid around a corner and watched as she looked to see if anyone was watching. She then continued to what she was doing. She pushed a wall and it slid open. When did that get there and why have I never seen it? she walked into there and it closed. I went over and pushed the wall and it slid open. I walked in and looked around in amazement books on shelves lined up on every wall.

I heard shuffling and a book closing shut then being pushed back into a shelf. What is she doing in here anyways? I was so deep into my thoughs that I didnt even notices that she was standing infront of me with a shocked expression.

"Did you see anything?" She asked.

"Besides you coming in here? No."

"Good, but why did you follow me?"

"I was being nosey, and how did you find out about this I dont even think your mom or Ray's parents know about this."

"Thats none of your buisness, just dont tell anyone about this."

"And why not?"


"What will you do to keep me quiet." I asked.

"I dont know."

"how about a kiss." I suggested.

"Um how about NO."

"Well I guess ill go tell everyone." I said before turning around and pretended like I was going to walk.

"Okay, okay. just know this kiss means nothing."

"To you, but not me."

"Whatever, lets just get this over with."

I walked up to her and placed my hands on her hips. She just grabbed my face and pressed her lips onto mine. She pulled away and then walked away to the entrence we came through. Before she left she turned towards me.

"This never happened!" and with that she left.

I sat there and thought oh but it did.

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