Chapter twenty-one.

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Princeton's P.O.V

All of us meet back up at the spot we started at to go find Ray and Aaliyah. We all headed towards the way Ray went. We were walking down a hall with a faulty light bulb. There was a boy on the ground, I bent down towards it and seen a pocket knife jabbed into him. I looked at the sword and noticed Ray's initials on it.

"Hey guys look its Ray's sword were on the right track." I said to all of them.

Roc gave me a thumbs up then we continued on our way to find them. We all heard people talking so we ran till we reached a door. I peeked inside and seen about 6 people guarding a case. I took a look closer then my eyes bulged.

"Hey Prodigy, peek into the door and look at the case and tell me what you see." I told him.

I moved out of the way for him to see and he peeked his head in, then he quickly pulled it out.

"It looks like Aaliyah's necklace." He said.

I nodded, "That's exactly what I thought." I said.

"Should we get it?" Roc asked. I nodded.

"I'll go in first and attack the biggest guy then you guys get the others." I said before going slowly inside. The others followed. Then I ran up to the guy and kicked him in the neck. He quickly turned around and swung his fist, but I ducked and swung my leg causing him to fall over. I quickly stabbed him right before the heart to let him die slowly in pain. When I looked up everyone just got done defeating the others.

Sierra was going to get the necklace but I stopped her with my hand. There are sensor lasers. I walked back over to the man I killed and searched through his pockets and found a remote. I pressed the one red button that was on there and it turned off. I walked back to the case and took the necklace out and stuck it in my pocket.

We all filed out of the room one by one and continued down the hall until we heard someone yelling. That's when we sprinted down the hall and stopped at a dead end with a big metal door and a window beside it. I tried the lock on the door hoping it would be open, just my luck. It wasn't.

 We decided to go back outside and around the back to see if there was another way in. We walked to the entrance un-noticed by anyone and ran outside to the back. There was a small window that you could barely see through. I pushed the window some and it moved. I took the window off slowly and could now clearly see what was inside. I saw Aaliyah and Jawan's back facing me and he was holding onto her tightly. I also saw Ray tied up to a chair. He looked as if he was scared. 

I turned back around and looked at the crew.

"Hey why does Ray look scared?" I asked.

"Let me see." Prodigy said going up to the window. He looked through and turned around fast. 

"Hes gonna make Aaliyah kill Ray stupid!" He quickly said.

"Huh? Let me see again." I said walking along side Prodigy to the window. 

I looked though and sure enough Aaliyah had a gun pointed at Ray. 

"Hurry pass me a gun!" I whispered lowly.

Kendra loaded the gun and passed it to me. I quickly placed it on the window seal and looked through the window one last time before I pointed the gun just where I wanted it and held the trigger...

Ray's P.O.V

As soon as Jawan said "DO IT NOW!!!" I closed my eyes tight preparing for what was coming next. All of a sudden the sound of the trigger being pulled and a stream of bullets sounded. Then I heard bodies drop. I opened my eyes to find Jawan on the floor then Aaliyah. I heard noise coming from in front of me so I looked up to see Princeton climbing through the window. OMG they actually did it. They saved us. Princeton ran over to me and untied me.

"We have to hurry and get Aaliyah to the hospital." I said quickly running over to her and picking her up.

"Aight lets go!" He said running back to the window and climbing through. I handed Aaliyah to him them climbed out myself and we all rushed to the truck we originally came in rushing to get to the hospital to save Aaliyah's life.

Once we got to the hospital we rushed in and they immediately got Aaliyah and rushed her to a room. I sat down and thats when I finally realized I might lose her. Tears slid down my cheeks the whole time waiting to see if she was okay. Over the next couple of minutes everyone tried to calm me down but I just couldn't. I don't mean to push them away but I just need to think.

2 full hours passed and that's when finally a doctor came out. He walked over to us and looked down at his clipboard then back up at us before he spoke.


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