Chapter twelve.

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Aaliyah's P.O.V

It was....MY PARENTS. I ran past Ray and jumped into my dad's arm. Yep I'm a daddy's girl. I let go of my dad and hugged my mom. I backed up and Ray came downstairs and shook my dads hand and hugged my mom. Ray stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. My moms eyes grew wide. I laughed.

"Hi mom."

"Hi , my lovely child."

"Well its nice to see you guys finally got along." My dad said

"Yeah, he isn't so bad." I said then I looked behind me and smirked at him , he pecked my lips softly i just blushed and turned my attention back to my parents.

"What are y'all up to." My dad asked us

"I'm hungry.."

"How about we all go out to dinner to catch up on things." He suggested.

"Sounds like a plan." I said while turning around and running back up the stairs to go get dressed


I finished getting dressed I had on a red dress that stopped at my knees, and I wore white flats with a white pearl necklace and matching earrings. Ray was in the shower and my parents already had their clothes so they were down stairs waiting for us. I stood in front the body mirror and just admired myself.

"Your beautiful." someone said from behind me.

I looked behind me through the mirror and it was Ray he had on a white and black tux he looked gorgeous. He walked up to me and held my waist from behind and he layed his head on my shoulder.

"No we're beautiful as in we are a perfect couple." I said.

"Either way your beautiful." he said.

I blushed, just then there was a knock on the door. Ray let go of me and went over to the dresser to put on some Cologne.

"Come in." I yelled

"Are y'all ready?" My mom asked as she poked her head through the door.

"Just about, we will be down in a second." I said.

She closed the door and i turned back towards the mirror and fixed myself up a little more , then i grabbed Ray's hand and walked out the room with him trailing behind me.


We arrived at the Restaurant it was called "Ti Amo" it was Italian for 'I love you.' it was nice from the looks of its outside. We got out the limo escorted by body guards into the restaurant.

We got seated in a booth that was at the far end of the restaurant , the bathroom sign was barely in eyes view. A waiter came and took our drink and food orders , he said it wouldn't be ready for another 40 minutes or so.

"So are y'all ready for the Masquerade ball tomorrow?" My dad asked.

"Yes sir I cant wait its gonna be so much fun." Ray said excitedly.

I had the feeling to you the bathroom so I excused myself from the table to the bathroom. I walked to the bathroom, I used it and washed my hands. I walked out of the bathroom and heard noises coming from one of the kitchens. Being the nosey person I am I walked through the kitchen door and heard noise coming from around the corner.

I ducked behind a stove and I peeked my head from behind it and i seen a male figure dressed in all black they had on a skee mask on also and they had there back towards me and they where on the phone.

"Yes I seen the girl she is here now with her parents and the Prince of England." The man said, are they talking bout me? Am I the 'girl'? Okay I'm officially freaked out but I continued listening anyways.

A faint male voice coming from the phone started talking I tried to make out what he was saying it sounded like he was saying something about a plan for tomorrow at a ball.

I accidentally kicked the stove and I made all the bowls stacked onto of it fall to the floor, I covered my mouth as i realized the mistake i just made.

The guy hung up the phone and quickly met eye contact with me he got up and started walking towards me I quickly got up and shot out the kitchen door I heard the man's steps as he started speed walking.

I ran faster, I was looking behind me to see if the guy was still following me and I wasn't paying attention so I bumped into someone. The person grabbed me and I started panicking a little.

"Babe, chill its me." The person said, i soon came to my senses and realized who it was, Ray.

"Why are you panicking?" He asked me.

"Me? Panicking? No way..." Okay maybe i was panicking but it was for a good cause... that mask I knew it from somewhere it seemed so... familiar.

"Okay..." Ray looked at me confused, he just shook it off and grabbed my hand and led us back to the table.

Ray and I sat back down at the table. "What took you so long?" my mom asked.

"Oh the bathrooms where full, I had to wait." I said making up a quick lie.

Our food had already came while I was gone in the "bathroom", everyone dug in.

We continued catching up on things, our food was delicious. After we got done we payed the bill and walked out the door.


It's now 11:42 pm eighteen minutes till midnight and Ray, his parents and my parents are sleep, only reason I'm still awake is because I'm thinking, thinking about all that's happened today. Seeing my parents again today and what happened at the restaurant. It's that mask That's keeping me woke. It seem so so...familiar I just don't know what from.

"Your still awake?" a voice said. It was Ray's.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking" I said.

"Well get some rest we have a big day tomorrow."

"I was just about to go to sleep anyways...goodnight Ray."

"goodnight my little princess , I-I L-- hope you sleep well." he said and following that he kissed my forehead and wrapped his arm around my waist and doze off right back to sleep.

what was that all about? I just dropped the subject and went off to sleep.

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