Chapter fourteen.

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Aaliyah's P.O.V

We are landing at a secret island off the coast of France, top notch security and nobody knows about it not even the government. Hopefully we will be safe because I don't need anybody hurting anymore of my family. I wonder what those people want from me.

Whatever it is there not getting it. We got out the helicopter one by one guarded my security, We then were brought underground and i guess this is where we are staying, it was like a normal home the only difference is its underground. We all walked into the living room and sat on the different couches, I sat next to Ray.

My mom and Ray's were turned toward each other whispering while all of us just sat there looking at each other and them confused. They stopped whispering and turned and looked at us, they all had serious faces on their faces.

"Whats going on?" I asked.

My mom looked at my neck and noticed my necklace, her eyes widened.

My mom got up and motioned me to the kitchen, I got up and followed her and then sat on one of the counters.

"Where did you get that?" she asked me, pointing at my necklace.

"Daddy gave it to me , yesterday a few minutes before h-he p-passed" I said tearing up a little.

"Aaliyah , this is what their after...." She said trailing off.


"Who did you see when you went back into the house, to get your father?"

"Um..these men , dressed in all black." Her eyes widened.

"Oh no."

"What happened?" I asked.

"N-nothing just go back and sit down." She said while shooing me out. I know its something, and I'm gonna find out. Hopefully soon because being the curious person I am.

I walked back into the living area and they all asked me what happened, I just shrugged and walked down a hall to a room, I don't know who's it was but I really don't care, I'm tired from all this jet lag, I got on the bed and feel asleep on it.


I woke up to someone shaking me, I fluttered my eyes open. The sun was out I guess I was sleep all night. I looked up and noticed a dark skinned boy, he was kinda cute.

"Um.. hi." The unknown person said.

"hi, I'm Aaliyah."

"I know who you are, I'm Jawan and this is my bed."

I laighed and he laughed along with me, then I sat up and he sat next to me.

"My bad, I got tired from the jet lag and I just went into any room and fell asleep."

"Its okay." He said.

"Well Ill see you around bye." I waved and walked outta the room and went into th kitchen, my mom was in there cooking.

"goodmoring mom." I said.

she turned around and put down the spatula and walked up to me and brought me into her embrace, she let go after a few seconds.

"Good morning my princess." She said.

I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Um... do you have any idea where Ray is?" I asked.

"Hes down the hall the last door to the right, that's you guys room."

"Kay, thanks mommy."

"no problem child." , I laughed and went back down the hall into the room and sure enough Ray was in there sleep. I walked up to the other side of the bed and layed down carefully trying not to wake him , thank god he didn't. I turned away from him facing the wall, an arm wrapped around me. I turned back around and came eye to eye with his eyes. Those chocolate brown yes anyone can get lost in. I smiled and he smiled back.


"Okay guise line up!" Jawan said.

"Why are we doing this anyways?" I asked.

My mom walked in and made Jawan exit the room, maybe she came to explain this.

"Okay, I know you guise are wondering why we are doing this." she said, we all nodded in agreement.

"Well, its because we are in great danger and for everyone to protect their selves and others we will need this training."

We all nodded our heads understanding, maybe it's from what happened the other day. But those mask really seem so familiar...

Jawan came back into the room, it was kinda like a dungeon but less scary there was weapons of all types on the walls there was also warrior type suits.

"y'all training will start tomorrow, 6 o'clock SHARP." Jawan yelled.

"You do know your the same age as us, right?" Prodigy asked.

"But , I'm stronger then y'all so it doesn't matter." He replied smartly.

He shot all of us a fake smile then walked out, rude much? Sheesh. I walked out of the room and we all went to the living room and sat down.

"So, will anyone explain whats going on?" Lola asked , of course she did shes just S L O W, but you gotta love her, anyways we explain everything we knew, everyone kept asking questions but i answered them the best i could... I myself don't even fully understand whats going on and I really don't want to find out but being the curious person I am, I'm gonna find out.

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