Chapter eighteen.

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Aaliyah's P.O.V

[Next day]

After I told Ray I ended up crying myself to sleep that night I mean I never meant for it to get that far to where I kissed Jawan. I still talk to Jawan but I have this feeling in my that I shouldn't be. When Ray said he didn't want me to talk to his I'm pretty sure he meant it though because every time I would come into his presence he would leave. It saddens me and makes me thing he doesn't love me anymore and when that happens I have flashbacks that dream. I have yet to tell anyone about it though.

I'll probably tell Prodigy since he knows about what's going on in between us. I also told him about why I did it. I didn't tell him where I hid the necklace though. I told- well I did didn't really tell him he found out -to many.

From time to time I go into that hidden room and check on the necklace. That's where I am right now, about to go check on it. I looked to see if anyone was looking, the coast was clear so I pushed one of the bricks and it opened. I was making my way over to the case but I stopped dead in my tracks to see Jawan.... And my necklace in his hand about to stick it in his pocket.

"Eh hem." I said clearing my throat to get his attention. He turned around slowly and smirked at me. One thing ran through my mind. Ray.

"Do you mind putting that down?" I asked.

"Nope." He plainly said.

"I knew I shouldn't have trusted you," I said.

He shrugged and said "Oh well."

He looked at the necklace then back at me and started running. There was only one exit so he had to run past me just to get to the exit. As soon as he was about to by pass me I tripped him which cause the necklace to fly out of his hand and across the floor to the other side of the room. I was about to run towards it but he quickly grabbed my foot and pulled me down on the floor with him.

I was kicking my foot to get outta his grasp, but it was tight around my ankle, so I used my other foot and kicked him in the face. I crawled using only my arms while he held his hand to his face, groaning in pain.

I looked back at him and he looked up and locked his eyes on something-the necklace. I finally gained enough strength in my legs to swiftly get back up on my feet and I started running. I heard Jawan get back up from behind me. We both starting running but he was still behind me. I was about to pick up the necklace but before I could something hit me in the head and that caused me to completely blacked out.

I woke up sitting in a chair in a strange looking room and a pain in the back of my head. My eyes adjusted to the only lighting in the room and it was a light bulb hanging above me. I tried getting up but that's when I realized my arms and legs were tied up to the chair I was sitting on.

"Your awake.." A voice said from behind me, it wasn't any voice it was Jawan's.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Somewhere in France.." He answered.

"I swear when I get out these ropes."

"What are you going to do?" He said smirking, Was he amused by this?

"I'm going to kill you."

"I'd like to see you try."

"Okay, untie these ropes then."


I rolled my eyes and realized something. Where's my necklace.

"Wheres my necklace?" I asked.

"Oh that things in another room being kept safe by guards."

"Why are you doing this anyways?"

"Because it's in my blood, I have no choice but to kill you if I want to live."

"Wow, your just so full of yourself. Your going to kill me because if you don't you'll get killed."

"Well duh." He said.

"Wow, Ray was right after all." I said out loud talking to more of myself then him.

"SHUT UP!" he said loudly.

"MAKE ME!" I said mocking him in the same tone.

He didn't say anything else he looked at me with anger in his eyes. He shook his head then left the room.

Prodigy's P.O.V

"Aaliyah." I said after peeking into her and Ray's room. 

I was about to repeat it again till I noticed it was Ray only in there, laying on the bed with his hands underneath his head.

"Aye!" I said getting his attention from off the ceiling.

He sat up and looked at me. "Whats up?" 

"Where's Aaliyah?" I asked before walking into the room and sitting on the rolling chair that was placed across the room facing the bed.

He just shrugged his shoulders. How in the hell could you not know where your girlfriend was at this time of morning.

"Was she in here when you woke up?" 

He shook his head no.

"Wow." I shook my head.

"Ill be back." I said before leaving the room and too the place she is most of the say.

The weapon room.

I walked into there but only found Sierra in there.

"Ello." I said, making her take her attention of the machine and towards me.

"Hey," She replied back.

"You seen Aaliyah?" I asked.

She nodded her head 'no', "Shes usually in here with me this morning, I figured she wasn't feeling well so I never thought of checking up on her."

"Oh." I said before walking back out of there. I searched everywhere in the house and still couldnt find her.  Funny thing is I didn't see Jawan either. I quickly ran back to Ray's room.

Ray's P.O.V

Prodigy, without any warning or anything just now busted into the room with a worried look on his face. 

"Ray, shes gone and we cant find Jawan either."

I slapped my hands to my forehead. I knew Jawan was bad news.

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