Chapter seventeen.

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Ray's P.O.V

After a few quiet and very awkward practice rounds with Aaliyah I was headed back to the room for a quick cat nap, but stopped when i heard Jawan and another voice talking, it was a grown male. The unknown voice was muffled so I could tell he was on the phone. I decided to be nosey so I listened. I heard him say,

"So whats the plan sir?"

Plan? what the heck and why is he calling someone sir. I pressed my ear to the door more so I could listen in more.

"As of right now, I don't know." The male voice said.

"Okay sir, let me know when you do." Jawan said back into the phone.

"I will be sure too, you are one of my best." The person from the phone said.

"Thank you." Jawan said then I didn't hear anyone talking anymore so I assumed he was off of the phone.

I always had my suspicions with Jawan and now there raised higher. Whatever hes planning better be good. I continued on my way to the room.

Aaliyah's P.O.v

"Ray I gotta tell you something." I said while sitting down on the bed next to Ray who was laying down on his back.

"What is it?" He said while turning from off his back and turning towards me.


"Come on Aaliyah you can tell me."

"Promise you wont get mad or yell,."

"I Promise."

"I kissed Jawan."

His face was unreadable. He didn't do anything but get up and walk out the room. I really wasn't expecting that. I ran out the room after him and rounded the corner.

"Ray!" I yelled after him.

"What?" he asked turning around.

"Where are you going?"

"To my parents to call off this wedding."

"Wait what?!" I said with my mouth hanging open in a 'o' shape.


"But why?" I asked.

"Because I'm not gonna marry someone that I know cheated on me."

I walked up to him and grabbed his hand, "You cant do this Ray, please don't.."

He snatched his hand away from mine and looked at me with disgust, "I can and I will, sorry not so sorry Aaliyah."

"But I love you Ray."

"And I loved you and no you don't I thought you did but turns out you don't."

"Dont say that Ray." I said before a single tear left my eye.

"Good Bye Aaliyah." He said before turning back around and continuing to walk down the hall into the light.

I just slid down the wall and let all the tears that built up over the last few seconds fall into my hands.

Hes gone....

I quickly shot up from my sleep. It was just a dream psh more like a nightmare. Last thing I remember was waiting for Ray to come back to the room so I could tell him. I must have fell asleep. But what happens when I do tell him what if he does the same thing. As if on Que he walked into the room and lazily layed down on the bed facing me.

"Hey." He said.

"Hi." I said quietly.

"We need to talk." He said before sitting up in the same position i was sitting in, chris-cross.

"About what?" I asked.

"What happened earlier today with you trying to avoid me, it make me think."

"It makes you think what?" I said out of concern."

"Like you don't love me anymore is it something I did?"

"No Ray its something....I did and the guilt's been eating me alive that I haven't told you yet." I said getting slightly uncomfortable with the conversation. I could tell he sensed it because he grabbed both my hands and held it in his lap.

"Aaliyah..., just tell me."

I shook my head not wanting to tell him but I had too. I couldn't deal with all this. And what if he found out not by me but someone then he would think I'm keeping other secrets from him, which I'm not.

" I kissed Jawan."

Again he just looked at me with the same expression from my dream.. this cannot be happening no. nope I'm not letting it.

"But I have my reasons.." I said hoping he would listen, he raised his eyebrow telling me to go on.

"Its because he saw where I hid the necklace and nobody knew about it until he decided to follow me, then he said he would tell where if i didn't do it."

He was about to speak then he closed his mouth again, then he opened it and said

"Jawan seems suspicious, I heard him on the phone planning something Aaliyah."

"So your not mad?" I asked

"OH I'm mad."

Well dang he hides his emotions a little to well for my being, Then he said something I didn't expect him too.

"Don't talk to me, I need to clear my mind and find out what hes up too. I'm more then positive Jawan is turning his back on us."

"Why would you say something like that!" I yelled.

"Just stay away from him Aaliyah."

He just shook his head and walked out the door.He cant tell me what too do. I layed back down and thought why did i kiss Jawan? What have I got myself into.

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