Chapter three.

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Aaliyah's P.O.V

"Now we are getting ready to go back home, be good." My dad said while hugging me tightly.

"Okay daddy." I said while hugging my mom next.

"Now Ray show her you guys room." His mom said

"Wait. We have to share a room?!" I said.

"and a BED" Ray said cutting in.

I just wanted to slap him right then and there but of course I couldnt because his and my parenrs were standing in the same room as us, so i just glared at him till his smile faded, I smiled in satisfaction. 

"Bye sweet heart." Mom said..

"Bye My Little Princess." Dad said after mom.

"Bye Mom , bye Dad."

With that they left , then I turned around facing Ray's parents.

"We are leaving tonight and will be back in the morning , im sure Ray will show you around the place." His mom said.

"Yeah okay." I said sarcastically.

They both left through the front door as soon as they closed the door Ray grabbed my wrist and started running down the hall almost causing me to trip over my own two feet.

"what the heck?!" I yelled at him.

"Just come on." 

We stopped running and started walking. We reached a door and now im wondering why exactly we are here.

"what are we doing here?" I asked.

"you'll see."

He pushed the door open and pulled me into the room, it was a ball room it was HUGE the biggest ive seen yet. There was a huge chandler in the middle of the ceiling, it was really pretty.

He pulled me into the middle of the floor.

"Dance with me." He said holding out his hand for me to take.

"I dont think so."

"Please." He begged while making a puppy dog face.

"Oh alright." I said giving in.

"Can you dance?" He asked.

"Wanna find out?" I said smiling.

He took my hand into his.

"How are we suppose to dance without any music?" I asked.

he pointed to my mind, "Just imagine."

Then he placed his hands on my waist and I put my arms around his neck. I closed my eyes as we started slow dancing.

To be honest, I liked dancing with Ray...

I Like Him ♥

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