Chapter ten.

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It was Ray's mom who walked through the door, its been hours since we got home and she just got done gardening she most love gradening cause she is always out there.

Lola got from over me and helped me up, Princeton went upstairs to go put the twister game back.

"As you guys know its a ball." Ray's mom said.

We all nodded in aggrement telling her that we understood.

"And what do you do at balls?" She asked us.

"Dance?" Ray said with a little bit of confusion in his voice.

"Yep, and we want you guys too make up a choreography too dance too at the ball." She said.

That's gonna be easy all of us can dance well I'm not to sure about Princeton and Prodigy.

"Can Princeton and Prodigy dance?" I asked.

"Yep, since they were little." Ray said answering for them.

"Well I guess we should start making this choreography later on today we only have a week and a day too come up with something."

"How about tomorrow, bright and early that way we can finish by night then practice the next few days." Princeton said throwing out his suggestion as he walked back down the stairs.

"Sounds good too me, have fun kids." Ray's mom said.

"We will." We all said in unison.

"We should head home since we are getting up early bye yalls." Princeton said.

"Yeah if I don't get home my moms gonna freak." Prodigy said.

"What about you Roc?" I ask.

"Oh I'm staying over tonight, don't feel like hearing my parents argue."

"Your moms still with him, Why don't they just get a divorce?" Lola asked.

"Cause my moms to afaid to leave him, she says she still loves him and yada yada." He said answering her question.

"Oh.... well dueces y'al.l" Kendra said as she walked towards the stairs

"Does she know where she is going?" I asked.

"Yeah they chose their rooms earlier when you where at the Dress shop." Roc said.

"Oh well , I'm getting tired bye." Sierra said.

"Me too." Roc said as he followed a little bit after Sierra.

"Guess this is my que to leave night guys." Lola said.

"Night." I said while laughing.

"Hush, and night." She said while walking up the stairs.

I started laughing, gosh I missed my friends hopefully we will have fun tomorrow dancing and what not.

"And then there were two." Ray said

I walked over to the couch with Ray following behind me, I sat down on the couch and Ray sat next to me and pulled me onto his lap, I rested my head on his chest.

"It's only 9 and I'm not tired." I said.

"Well I am."

I looked up at him with a puppy dog face and started pouting "Please stay up with me till I get tired."

Ray kissed my lips and shook his head no.

"Pleaseeee." I begged till he gave in.

"Okay I'll stay up."

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