Chapter eight.

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One week before Aaliyah's parents come back to visit. During the few weeks Aaliyah and Ray started getting closer and getting along really well.

Aaliyah's P.O.V

Right this very moment me, Ray, and his parents are in the conference room apparently his parents have something to tell us hopefully it's nothing compared to last time.

"As you guys know, Aaliyah your parents are coming back in a week and during that week we are having a Ball and all the Queens, Kings, Princesses, and Princes are attending." Rays mom spoke.

"Also you guys can invite your friends." His dad stated.

"Okay." me and Ray said at the same time.

"Now you guys are free to go." His mom said.

As soon as she said that I ran up the stairs and into the room to call Sierra, Lola, and Takendra. I decided to call Sierra first since I tell her everything she's like a sister to me the rest I consider as Best friends. I grabbed my phone and looked through my contacts for 'Sierra' then I pressed her name and put the phone to my ear. She answered after the second ring.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Put her on speaker." someone in the background said. It was Lola , always being noisy.

"Yeah guess what." I said.

"What?" Lola asked.

"Dang let me speak she called me not you" Sierra told her.

I laughed "Anyways there's a ball next we--" , again it was Lola.

"Oh Em Gee a ball ?! Oooo I wanna go" She screeched.

"Dang let her finish Lola.."

"Anyways... That what I called you guys for and can y'all tell Takendra for me ple--"

Just as I was about to finish those idiots Ray , Prodigy , Roc , and Princeton walked into the room.

"Hold on Sierra them Dumb Dumbs just walked in."

"Kay." she said laughing.

I put the phone down on the dresser. I didn't realize that when I put the phone down I put it on speaker.

"Whaaaaaat!" I yelled

"Dang Ray get your girl." prodigy said.

"I'm not his girl." I said

"Girl stop fronting you was all up on the phone last night telling me how cute he was." Sierra said yelling through the phone.

The boys just started laughing except for Ray he was blushing. Aww he was so cute when he blushed. No but seriously, she seriously had to say that in front off ALL of them remind me to kill her the next time I see her which won't be to long.

"Really though Sierra..." I said picking up the phone again taking it off speaker and pushing the boys out the room while they continued to laugh. As soon as they were completely out the door I locked it just in case there was future interruptions.

"Yes girl I just had to let them know so hes feeling you as much as your feeling him." She replied.

"Who said I liked him" i said.


"Exactly I didn't but truth be told I kinda do"

"Ooooo get it girl, but you gonna introduce me to Prodigy right ?" She said.

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