Chapter twenty.

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Ray's P.O.V

We where outside of the warehouse. Thanks to Sierra and Princeton for tracking them down. We ducked behind a bush so no one could see us. There were about 5 guards outside guarding. We had our swords, pocket knifes, and a first aid kit just in-case.

"So what's the first move?" Prodigy asked.

"Well.. to get inside the warehouse we have to either distract the guards or.. kill them." I said.

"We gotta think quick because Aaliyah could be dead." Roc said.

"Dont think like that!" I scolded him.

He put his hand up in surrender. "My bad man."

Princeton got up and walked over to one of the guards and they just let him in. The hell? We all looked with confused faces. My phone vibrated.

[Prince]: West wing there's an un-guarded door.

Welp that was easy. We all got up and ran to the west side without being noticed. It stunk in here, smelled like a landfill. yuck! We stopped at a corner and Princeton peeked around it and quickly brought his head back.

"3 guards. BIG guns." He said gulping, and his pupils getting wide.

"Okay were going to split up, Sierra and Roc, Kendra and Princeton, Lola and Prodigy." I said.

"What about you?" Kendra asked.

"Oh. I'm going by myself to go find Jawan and being the Prince I am, I'm going to save her." I answered.

"Okay." They all said before running off into different directions.

"Now to find Aaliyah." I said to myself.

I was walking down an empty hallway. The only thing not making it fully dark was a bulb that kept flicking in and out. I was walking slowly being as quiet as I could when suddenly I was pulled back by strong arms. I turned around and was met face to face with an unknown person.

I backed up while the person charged for me with a knife. When he was close enough to me I kicked my leg in the air and kicked the knife out of his hand. It slid across the room and I kicked him in the face then took the knife I had in my shoe and stabbed him with it then took it out. He immediately fell to the floor slowly dying in pain.

I was creeping slowly down the hallway when a scream filled my ears. First thing I thought of was Aaliyah so I took off in a fast sprint towards it. I stopped at a dead end and in front of me was a door. 

I jiggled the nob and it was open so I turned the nob and peeked inside to see Jawan leaning over an unconscious looking Aaliyah. 

It was nobody but Jawan and Aaliyah in the room so I took my chance. I slowly walked in and held onto the door trying to close it slowly and silently. I closed my eyes hoping it doesn't make any noise, it didn't.

"Looks like you found me." His voice said.

How'd he know someone came in? I didn't make any noise nor did he turn around.

"Ho--" He cut me off.

"I just do." he said finally turning around.

 "Why are you doing all of this?" I asked.

"Because I want something you have." he said.

"Come again?" I said having no idea what he was talking about.

"i want Aaliyah! and I always get what I want and if it means killing you to have it then that's what I'm going to do." He said coming towards me with a big metal bat.

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